Someone Please Give This Girl Something to Write About, FTLOG
Big event of the day: Buy shower gift for this Sunday
Percent chance: 90%
(Yesterday's big event, cleaning, sooo did not happen. But I did invent a new recipe involving bacon, cheese, wine, and minced onion toasted on crackers. It was actually good, to my surprise. ...Well, you know, with bacon, how could it be bad?)
I ended up watching a really good documentary last night. (I worry that this flagrant documentary-watching makes me very old, but then again, if anyone's ever said to you, "You have an old soul," that's a compliment, right? You're wise and stuff. So there you go. This is how people get wise. (....Listen to me. I should be one of those people who asks for your contribution to PBS.)) Anyway, it was about illegal immigration.
Ah! Uf! EEE! That was the sound of me running for cover because I raised a controversial issue. At least that's what happens in my parents' house anyway.
I just wrote to Channel 11 and asked them to rebroadcast it. How much of a nerd am I? Hmm, you know, the people who decide what programming to run on PBS, they must sit through and watch thousands of documentaries. I bet those folks learn lots of stuff. I bet sitting down to dinner with one of them would either be really interesting or horribly boring.
Tomorrow I start tango lessons! Oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy! Soon I will be like those ladies in the movies who hold roses in their mouth while their partner drags them elegantly across the floor. (Betcha never heard drags and elegantly in the same sentence before, did ya'?)
Know what's weird? I've got a bunch of CDs on my desk, and they're being all pretty reflecting (refracting?) the light into pretty rainbows.... but now that I look at them, I think it's a fluorescent rainbow. Yep, that green is very ectoplasmic, and that pink is very 1986 spandex leggings.... somebody please 'splain to me why.....ohhhh. The light in this office is fluorescent. Duh.
Okay, that mind journey brought to you for entertainment purposes. Obviously, clearly, and without a doubt I have run out of things to say. Also....meah.
But tomorrow I start tango lessons!!!!!!!
Percent chance: 90%
(Yesterday's big event, cleaning, sooo did not happen. But I did invent a new recipe involving bacon, cheese, wine, and minced onion toasted on crackers. It was actually good, to my surprise. ...Well, you know, with bacon, how could it be bad?)
I ended up watching a really good documentary last night. (I worry that this flagrant documentary-watching makes me very old, but then again, if anyone's ever said to you, "You have an old soul," that's a compliment, right? You're wise and stuff. So there you go. This is how people get wise. (....Listen to me. I should be one of those people who asks for your contribution to PBS.)) Anyway, it was about illegal immigration.
Ah! Uf! EEE! That was the sound of me running for cover because I raised a controversial issue. At least that's what happens in my parents' house anyway.
I just wrote to Channel 11 and asked them to rebroadcast it. How much of a nerd am I? Hmm, you know, the people who decide what programming to run on PBS, they must sit through and watch thousands of documentaries. I bet those folks learn lots of stuff. I bet sitting down to dinner with one of them would either be really interesting or horribly boring.
Tomorrow I start tango lessons! Oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy! Soon I will be like those ladies in the movies who hold roses in their mouth while their partner drags them elegantly across the floor. (Betcha never heard drags and elegantly in the same sentence before, did ya'?)
Know what's weird? I've got a bunch of CDs on my desk, and they're being all pretty reflecting (refracting?) the light into pretty rainbows.... but now that I look at them, I think it's a fluorescent rainbow. Yep, that green is very ectoplasmic, and that pink is very 1986 spandex leggings.... somebody please 'splain to me why.....ohhhh. The light in this office is fluorescent. Duh.
Okay, that mind journey brought to you for entertainment purposes. Obviously, clearly, and without a doubt I have run out of things to say. Also....meah.
But tomorrow I start tango lessons!!!!!!!
I like your little links. You're never quite sure where they will take you, but it's fun. I had totally forgotten where I had heard the word "ectoplasm" before and now I remember. Thanks to you. You win a gold star for today.
I will give you something to write about. Root beer. Why do we drink root beer? If you think about it, it's kind of gross. It's the juice from a tree root. That's got to be as strange to foreigners as escargot is to non-French people. Discuss. As I finish my can of A&W.
Anonymous, at 4/21/2006 04:33:00 PM
When I was a little kid, I thought that it was weird that we drank soda made from the roots of trees. But come to think of it, I really wonder if they still use tree roots? I doubt it; A&W probably now just uses water, sugar, and some other chemicals. They probably don't dig up real tree roots any more, don't you think? That would be a good research project for me, next week during work hours.
Anonymous, at 4/21/2006 04:59:00 PM
Garrett, if I were you I would get right on that. These are the urgent questions of life! And excellent ways to avoid work!
Becky, at 4/21/2006 05:06:00 PM
OK, I just remembered that I'll be in Miami on Monday and Tuesday for a mediation. The root beer thing may have to wait until Wednesday. I could do the research on my own time, but it is not as fun.
Anonymous, at 4/21/2006 06:44:00 PM
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