Grocery Store Not Quite as Fun Anymore
Big event of the day: Poker at Christy and John's
Percent chance I'll go: 97%
Percent chance I'll win money: 55% (if we don't play any guts games...I hate those)
This change in the weather is nice, but it's making me realize I suddenly have almost no nice outfits to wear to work. This winter I stocked up on sweaters and turtlenecks, but that ain't gonna do me much good when it's warm out. More shopping.... Shopping's okay, but when all you have nearby that's cheap is Old Navy (and that's not always so cheap), your options are limited. I didn't know this before, but apparently stores like JC Penney and Kohls only exist in the suburbs.
Not much exciting going on today. I did go to the store yesterday--almost blew it off, but then I decided to be good. On the way there, Laura asked me, "Do you really like living in the city? You're not sick of it?" I didn't know what she was talking about. "Oh, like going to the store, how you have to carry everything on the bus." Well, I hadn't thought about it until she said something. But now I can see how that would get very annoying over time, yes, especially if you're bad like me and wait weeks and weeks until you have nothing left in the fridge but eggs, milk, and a questionable head of lettuce....When I got out of Jewel last night I waited over 40 minutes for a bus just so I wouldn't have to walk the 6 blocks home from the el station, and even then the 2-block walk from the bus station to my apartment with my 15 bags just about killed me--not to mention, of course, the long haul up the 3 flights of stairs.
Time for poker.
Percent chance I'll go: 97%
Percent chance I'll win money: 55% (if we don't play any guts games...I hate those)
This change in the weather is nice, but it's making me realize I suddenly have almost no nice outfits to wear to work. This winter I stocked up on sweaters and turtlenecks, but that ain't gonna do me much good when it's warm out. More shopping.... Shopping's okay, but when all you have nearby that's cheap is Old Navy (and that's not always so cheap), your options are limited. I didn't know this before, but apparently stores like JC Penney and Kohls only exist in the suburbs.
Not much exciting going on today. I did go to the store yesterday--almost blew it off, but then I decided to be good. On the way there, Laura asked me, "Do you really like living in the city? You're not sick of it?" I didn't know what she was talking about. "Oh, like going to the store, how you have to carry everything on the bus." Well, I hadn't thought about it until she said something. But now I can see how that would get very annoying over time, yes, especially if you're bad like me and wait weeks and weeks until you have nothing left in the fridge but eggs, milk, and a questionable head of lettuce....When I got out of Jewel last night I waited over 40 minutes for a bus just so I wouldn't have to walk the 6 blocks home from the el station, and even then the 2-block walk from the bus station to my apartment with my 15 bags just about killed me--not to mention, of course, the long haul up the 3 flights of stairs.
Time for poker.
Sorry, I didn't mean to ruin your city living experience... I just always hated having to buy only what you can carry in one load. And then by the time you get home your arms are broken and you have painful red lines from where the bags were digging in. But there are many many good things about living in the city and taking the El. For example: you never have to look for parking. I went out to dinner in San Francisco this weekend and spent about 40 minutes just trying to find a place to park. Not fun.
Anonymous, at 4/11/2006 09:02:00 PM
As far as the shopping goes, try New York and Co., H&M, and Forever 21. These are all cheaper stores that tend to have some nice stuff. If I remember right, you live close to where I just moved from (Broadway & Addison). It is a fun area, but man-o man is it a bitch to park and drag stuff around. The only nice thing was that I lived right next door to the Jewel!
Anonymous, at 4/12/2006 09:20:00 AM
i see you also posted about the grocery stores. i don't really mind carrying the stuff around, i just hate that in new york nothing is ever on sale and there's no one-stop shop.
Anonymous, at 4/12/2006 09:45:00 AM
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