Beckyland, Inc.

Easing boredom since 2005
Adventures, thoughts, and useless trivia
Time to play!
Being a grown-up is fun after all.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Eye Yam Board

I am bored at work and so I just googled myself. (I like using google as a verb. At first I was against it, but now I think it's kind of cute.) Anyway, two people with my name came up: one, an officer in the US miltary, fine fine; and the other (apparently I've missed this), the president of some online "adult video" company! Ack! So if you happen to know my last name (I am attempting to be sly and not attach my last name to yet another thing out there in cyberspace), you can google it and see. I'm at work so I didn't investigate very much. She goes by Becky, too, which is weird--I always figured if I got to be CEO of something (hey! stop snickering), I'd go by Rebecca. But I guess in the porn industry, not so much with the high class. In fact, I bet they have people heading regional divisions with names like Sapphire, Thunder, and Randy.

I finally went to IKEA this weekend. I got, among other things, a cute little kitchen cart. I have to hand it to those Swedish engineers. Everything fit so snugly in the little box, all the pieces cut to just the right size, all the drill holes lined up perfectly, with the easy-to follow, pictures-only instructions so they work in any language.... 1-2-3, instant kitchen cart! I have to say it was a very pleasant furniture-putting-together experience. Plus, I got some giggles out of the instruction manual. My favorite picture is of the confused guy with question marks over his head, followed by a picture of him on the phone to a big building with a waving flag out the top that says IKEA. (Since I can't figure out how to upload the picture, here's a link to a page with the picture in question.) I love his black-and-white emotions. Have all the tools to get the job done = happy. Don't know what to do = sad and confused. Ahh. So like life.

I also got a rug, two shelves, and some mirrors. Yay! Apartment going to be presentable soon.

Don't have a lot of time to write today... work to do. Sorry! I don't mean to disappoint. Like you, I have spent the afternoon bored because no one is updating their blogs and thus without anything fun to read. I'll try to write more tomorrow.

What a week. And just think--it's only Tuesday! Sigh.


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