Not So Good
1. Apparently they're selling our cell phone numbers now. I just got a phone call from a "consumer advocacy group" wanting to, I don't know, fund movies that support family values or something. I'm at work; you're asking me condescending questions and so obviously turning my answers around to match what you want the public opinion to be in order to further your cause.... Finally I just said, "This is what I feel, sorry-I-can't-help-but-I'm-at-work-now-bye." I think I was pretty nice, considering. Do I have to start screening my cell phone calls now???
2. It's on now. It appears there is about to be a major war over my dishwasher. OOOOOHHHHH. There was some rage this morning, I won't deny. But the worst part is, so last night I wrote this mean letter which, after about an hour, I managed to pare down into a relatively reasonable, calm letter saying how I felt and what I would like to happen. The head maintenance guy called me back this morning on my cell phone (which gets terrible reception from my cube) and right in the middle, when I was starting to feel upset, the cell phone dropped the call!! So now he probably thinks I hung up on him. I tried calling right back, but it was one of those outgoing-calls-only numbers, I guess. Anyways, I called around a bunch of extensions for him and finally left a message in the general mailbox explaining. So now I am both righteously angry about the dishwasher and anxious that I'm on this guy's bad side now because he thinks I hung up on him. I'm sure there'll be more to write on the dishwasher story later, but I'm not so sure you'll want the day-by-day saga... we'll see what happens.
3. That's all. I have work. Write me comments telling me bad landlord stories, bad dishwasher stories, or bad household appliance stories. Or bad cell phone stories or bad hang-up stories or .... I don't know.
4. Oh, I finally met the custodian lady who cleans our floor yesterday. Her name is Eva and she is nice.
1. Apparently they're selling our cell phone numbers now. I just got a phone call from a "consumer advocacy group" wanting to, I don't know, fund movies that support family values or something. I'm at work; you're asking me condescending questions and so obviously turning my answers around to match what you want the public opinion to be in order to further your cause.... Finally I just said, "This is what I feel, sorry-I-can't-help-but-I'm-at-work-now-bye." I think I was pretty nice, considering. Do I have to start screening my cell phone calls now???
2. It's on now. It appears there is about to be a major war over my dishwasher. OOOOOHHHHH. There was some rage this morning, I won't deny. But the worst part is, so last night I wrote this mean letter which, after about an hour, I managed to pare down into a relatively reasonable, calm letter saying how I felt and what I would like to happen. The head maintenance guy called me back this morning on my cell phone (which gets terrible reception from my cube) and right in the middle, when I was starting to feel upset, the cell phone dropped the call!! So now he probably thinks I hung up on him. I tried calling right back, but it was one of those outgoing-calls-only numbers, I guess. Anyways, I called around a bunch of extensions for him and finally left a message in the general mailbox explaining. So now I am both righteously angry about the dishwasher and anxious that I'm on this guy's bad side now because he thinks I hung up on him. I'm sure there'll be more to write on the dishwasher story later, but I'm not so sure you'll want the day-by-day saga... we'll see what happens.
3. That's all. I have work. Write me comments telling me bad landlord stories, bad dishwasher stories, or bad household appliance stories. Or bad cell phone stories or bad hang-up stories or .... I don't know.
4. Oh, I finally met the custodian lady who cleans our floor yesterday. Her name is Eva and she is nice.
Oh man!! That family values movie guy called me last night during dinner time. The call got off to a bad start when he asked for "the lady of the house". I got in such an argument with that guy. He works for a Political Action Committee (PAC) pushing for Hollywood to make less R rated movies and more family oriented movies.
I told him:
1. There are lots of "family movies". What about the Incredibles; or March of the pengiuns (great flick), or all of those crappy Disney movies with Tim Allen (I didn't say "crappy" to him).
2. I also told him that the market should decide what gets produced. Not some right wing PAC that wants censorship. Hollywood will produce what makes money, and if people want to pay $9 to see aliens explode or Kung Fu fights, or Kung Fu fighting aliens that explode, they should be able to.
Sorry about the rant.
Anonymous, at 3/29/2006 06:08:00 PM
YEAH, that was him!!!!! He called _me_ the lady of the house, too. I told him, "Well, I'm at work so I'm not at the house.... But I _am_ a female." What an irritating way for him to start a conversation.
Your comment just inspired me to call them back and say, "I believe the respresentative (see how professional, me calling the guy a "representative") I spoke with misrepresented my answer. I would like to go down on the side of [long story short: everything they're not]." She said she'd take me off the call list and took down my number. So whether that means their statistics will change or not, I don't know. Seems very unethical to me. They're called the Dove Foundation, by the way.
Becky, at 3/29/2006 06:47:00 PM
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