La. Di. Da.
The good thing about not leaving the house (or, for that matter, the couch) all weekend is that when you go to work on Monday, it's almost exciting. Fresh air, open spaces, a place to go... it's sort of like a field trip. "Yippee! Work!" (Of course, this is followed shortly after by, "...Oh. Work." But it's fun while it lasts.)
My dishwasher is broken and it's causing my life to be in upheaval. The maintanence guy was supposed to come by on Friday and didn't, and now today, but I have a feeling he still hasn't been there, because I called the office today and no one called me back. So now my kitchen is full of dirty dishes, which, even though I'm a messy person, bothers me a lot because the kitchen and bathroom are two places I don't like to leave dirty. I only have 4 spoons, 1 knife, 2 little plates and a plastic cup left. Soon I will have no utensils or dishes with which to cook or eat! And obviously, this is a problem, because I love to both cook and eat. Yes, I know I could break down and wash things by hand, and I have done that with a few things, but it's the principal of the thing. I got this apartment because it had a dishwasher! And now it doesn't work!! I rebel against that turn of events.
Speaking of cook, I made the most awesome meal Friday night. (Skip this paragraph if you don't care about cooking or if you are really hungry for some Mexican food.) I started with arrachera meat (it's like Mexican sirloin, but fattier and thus yummier) with a sauce of tomato, onion, garlic, ancho chile powder, On the Border Salsa (the secret ingredient), salt, crushed tortilla chips (to stretch the sauce because I was a little overexcited and put in too much salt), and little bit of chichuahua cheese (again to try to undo the salt). And then there was fresh guacamole, rice, beans, tortillas and queso fresco.... oh baby, it was a Mexican triumph. A work of glory and rapture, let me tell you. And also I was so proud I picked a ripe avocado this time. I'm not good at that--they're either not ripe at all or going bad. It's a skill, a fine skill to have, the picking of produce.
What else....
Oh yeah, I tried making jewelry last night. When I saw my parents last week, my mom gave me these tubs and tubs of little metallic beads we used to have at our house when my sisters and I went through our late elementary/junior high bead-jewelry phase. (Who would ever need this many tiny tiny beads? Jeez. You could outfit an entire Brownie legion in friendship bracelets with this many.) So I spent most of last night sitting in front of the flicker of Buffy, Season 4, squinting and digging through bags of beads for hours on end, disassembling old jewelry I didn't like, threading it with beads, and reshaping it with pliers (unfortunately, not needle-nose, so the work wasn't pretty). Anyway, after a few minutes I noticed a nasty smell. Turns out the beads, and now my hands, reeked in the manner of gym mats in the basement of our high school gym. I decided the beads must be harboring the stench of years-old finger sweat. Yummmmmmy. You know, people don't think too much about hand sweat. You've got armpit sweat--we know that smells, and foot sweat--that can get pretty nasty over time, but hand sweat, no one ever thinks about it. Well, I'm here to set the record straight, that yes, hand sweat smells, too. Maybe it just takes longer to ferment.
Write me comments! Here are some topics for discussion:
1. What flavor Kool-Aid is your favorite? Mine is tropical punch. After that I like the blue one--what was it called? And then grape (which tasted nothing like real grape, obviously), Purplesaurus Rex (by far one of the greatest product namings in history), and strawberry kiwi.
2. Do you like hats with ears? Either the kind that flop down or the kind that look like little bear cub ears sitting on top? I kind of like the second kind, but mostly on kids.
3. Do you have a special outfit you wear on Mondays? Around here most people wear black pants on Mondays, maybe because they're easy to match with things and people don't want to go to a lot of effort to get dressed on Mondays. And I always wear one of my 57 (actually, I have 9) Old Navy turtleneck sweaters because they're easy and don't need ironing, or even to have the shirt underneath be of the same color.
Notice I'm trying to undo the deep boringness of Friday's post.
My dishwasher is broken and it's causing my life to be in upheaval. The maintanence guy was supposed to come by on Friday and didn't, and now today, but I have a feeling he still hasn't been there, because I called the office today and no one called me back. So now my kitchen is full of dirty dishes, which, even though I'm a messy person, bothers me a lot because the kitchen and bathroom are two places I don't like to leave dirty. I only have 4 spoons, 1 knife, 2 little plates and a plastic cup left. Soon I will have no utensils or dishes with which to cook or eat! And obviously, this is a problem, because I love to both cook and eat. Yes, I know I could break down and wash things by hand, and I have done that with a few things, but it's the principal of the thing. I got this apartment because it had a dishwasher! And now it doesn't work!! I rebel against that turn of events.
Speaking of cook, I made the most awesome meal Friday night. (Skip this paragraph if you don't care about cooking or if you are really hungry for some Mexican food.) I started with arrachera meat (it's like Mexican sirloin, but fattier and thus yummier) with a sauce of tomato, onion, garlic, ancho chile powder, On the Border Salsa (the secret ingredient), salt, crushed tortilla chips (to stretch the sauce because I was a little overexcited and put in too much salt), and little bit of chichuahua cheese (again to try to undo the salt). And then there was fresh guacamole, rice, beans, tortillas and queso fresco.... oh baby, it was a Mexican triumph. A work of glory and rapture, let me tell you. And also I was so proud I picked a ripe avocado this time. I'm not good at that--they're either not ripe at all or going bad. It's a skill, a fine skill to have, the picking of produce.
What else....
Oh yeah, I tried making jewelry last night. When I saw my parents last week, my mom gave me these tubs and tubs of little metallic beads we used to have at our house when my sisters and I went through our late elementary/junior high bead-jewelry phase. (Who would ever need this many tiny tiny beads? Jeez. You could outfit an entire Brownie legion in friendship bracelets with this many.) So I spent most of last night sitting in front of the flicker of Buffy, Season 4, squinting and digging through bags of beads for hours on end, disassembling old jewelry I didn't like, threading it with beads, and reshaping it with pliers (unfortunately, not needle-nose, so the work wasn't pretty). Anyway, after a few minutes I noticed a nasty smell. Turns out the beads, and now my hands, reeked in the manner of gym mats in the basement of our high school gym. I decided the beads must be harboring the stench of years-old finger sweat. Yummmmmmy. You know, people don't think too much about hand sweat. You've got armpit sweat--we know that smells, and foot sweat--that can get pretty nasty over time, but hand sweat, no one ever thinks about it. Well, I'm here to set the record straight, that yes, hand sweat smells, too. Maybe it just takes longer to ferment.
Write me comments! Here are some topics for discussion:
1. What flavor Kool-Aid is your favorite? Mine is tropical punch. After that I like the blue one--what was it called? And then grape (which tasted nothing like real grape, obviously), Purplesaurus Rex (by far one of the greatest product namings in history), and strawberry kiwi.
2. Do you like hats with ears? Either the kind that flop down or the kind that look like little bear cub ears sitting on top? I kind of like the second kind, but mostly on kids.
3. Do you have a special outfit you wear on Mondays? Around here most people wear black pants on Mondays, maybe because they're easy to match with things and people don't want to go to a lot of effort to get dressed on Mondays. And I always wear one of my 57 (actually, I have 9) Old Navy turtleneck sweaters because they're easy and don't need ironing, or even to have the shirt underneath be of the same color.
Notice I'm trying to undo the deep boringness of Friday's post.
I like orange kool aid, but we only ever had it at Nonnie's house. And I kind of like grape, but not really. I'm a big fan of apple juice and orange-strawberry-banana.
I do like hats with ears. I think the bear ears ones are really cute, even on grown ups. but only like cute 20ish girls. You can't be 40 and wearing a hat like that. come on people.
I don't really wear anything special on Mondays, but I think I tend to dress nicer. I usually wear black pants and a collared shirt, whereas today (Tuesday) I am wearing a blue turtleneck and jeans. (the turtleneck that mom bought us, where we all have the same color.) yes, I get to wear jeans at my job. jealous???
Anonymous, at 3/28/2006 06:46:00 PM
Thank you for your thorough answering of my question. And yes, I am jealous you get to wear jeans at your job.
Becky, at 3/28/2006 06:49:00 PM
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