Stuff I Knew and Stuff I Did Not Know
Big event of the day: Going home after work and not doing anything
Percent chance: 99% (I may take out the trash if I get a burst of energy)
I was reading Waiter Rant again today, and a random comment caught my attention. People were commenting on the "waiter rule," the rule that says you can tell a lot about a person's character by how they treat the wait staff. One person commented (this seems like it belongs in a quote book):
One of the biggest headaches we encounter at age 50 is that almost everything we read, we already knew.
Sad, huh?
Also, I think just as telling is how a person treats others when they're having a bad day. It's easy to be nice if you're in a good mood, but if you're sad or angry in other aspects of your life, you have to exert effort to be kind to others in spite of your own problems.
I have just been informed (apparently this is old news, but not to me) that "Becky" is a term black people use to refer to white people in a derogatory way, as in "I'm sure Becky over at the Starbucks can pour you the half-caf non-fat latte you're looking for." I don't think I like this. That means every time I introduce myself to a black person I'm going to wonder if they're inwardly chuckling at me. What sucks is that I am very Whitey White McWhiterson, which would probably make it that much funnier.
Percent chance: 99% (I may take out the trash if I get a burst of energy)
I was reading Waiter Rant again today, and a random comment caught my attention. People were commenting on the "waiter rule," the rule that says you can tell a lot about a person's character by how they treat the wait staff. One person commented (this seems like it belongs in a quote book):
One of the biggest headaches we encounter at age 50 is that almost everything we read, we already knew.
Sad, huh?
Also, I think just as telling is how a person treats others when they're having a bad day. It's easy to be nice if you're in a good mood, but if you're sad or angry in other aspects of your life, you have to exert effort to be kind to others in spite of your own problems.
I have just been informed (apparently this is old news, but not to me) that "Becky" is a term black people use to refer to white people in a derogatory way, as in "I'm sure Becky over at the Starbucks can pour you the half-caf non-fat latte you're looking for." I don't think I like this. That means every time I introduce myself to a black person I'm going to wonder if they're inwardly chuckling at me. What sucks is that I am very Whitey White McWhiterson, which would probably make it that much funnier.
I've never heard of the "waiter rule", but I have my own "mail-room-guy rule." During school, I worked in a mail room for a law firm downtown. Some of the people at the firm treated me like absolute garbage because I was just the lowly mail room guy, but others were much nicer and would ask me about school, life, etc.
Now that I am a lawyer for a corporation, everoneone I work with is very nice to me. I always make extra effort to talk to the mail room guy, the receptionist etc. You can tell a lot about someone who ignores the mail-room-guy, but kisses up to the higher level people.
I know that I'm commenting too much on your blog. Commenting is addictive. No more comments for a little while from me.
Anonymous, at 4/17/2006 04:43:00 PM
Yeah, I'm always impressed with people who know the name of their mailman/gardener/garbage man/etc. I wish I did, but I don't. I definitely smile at and say hello to all of the people who work around my house or office but I guess I've never gone that extra step. Plus it's just one more person with which you have to have a fluffy pleasantries exchange when you're in a bad mood and don't want to talk to anyone. Which goes back to your other point about being nice to people when you're in a bad mood. It takes a lot of effort.
Speaking of making effort, there is a guy next to me on the computers who keeps making comments about what he's reading and I keep having to smile and make interested little noises like "hmm" and "oh really?" and it's tiring. I want to hit him in the face.
Anonymous, at 4/19/2006 03:38:00 PM
Wow--hit him in the face!??! Jeez. If he only knew how fine a line he's walking....
I try to ask people's names but it's hard. If you don't make that first window of opportunity, it's more awkward later. I did finally find out the cleaning lady's name at work, just because I started staying late a lot and every night she'd come in, and we'd just say hi and smile, and it got weird after a while not saying anything else. I like that I know her name is Eva. = )
Becky, at 4/19/2006 03:50:00 PM
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