Slightly Bitter
No fun! No one writes anything! I have to run out, get some stuff done tonight and then leave for a wedding tomorrow, so this will be my last blog until Monday.
I will spare you one entertaining thought--just one! Maybe if you were nicer I would write more things... but no! No fun for you.
Has anyone ever passed out from a bad smell? We were discussing at lunch how riding the el or bus in summer is awful, because these really sweaty, smelly people get on and everyone's crammed together so there's no escape. Sometimes it's so crowded your face is like in their armpit. Nicole used the phrase, "I felt like I was going to pass out" regarding a recent experience. Well, could this ever happen? From overheating, yes, but from smell? And do people ever throw up from bad smells? Again, you say you feel like you're going to, but do you think it's real or imagined?
Discuss and have a good weekend.
Oh yeah, big event of the day: finish my taxes (WHAT!? Yeah, I said it. I am that much of a procrastinator)
Percent chance:
Of doing it at all: 100%
Of doing it before midnight: 3%
I will spare you one entertaining thought--just one! Maybe if you were nicer I would write more things... but no! No fun for you.
Has anyone ever passed out from a bad smell? We were discussing at lunch how riding the el or bus in summer is awful, because these really sweaty, smelly people get on and everyone's crammed together so there's no escape. Sometimes it's so crowded your face is like in their armpit. Nicole used the phrase, "I felt like I was going to pass out" regarding a recent experience. Well, could this ever happen? From overheating, yes, but from smell? And do people ever throw up from bad smells? Again, you say you feel like you're going to, but do you think it's real or imagined?
Discuss and have a good weekend.
Oh yeah, big event of the day: finish my taxes (WHAT!? Yeah, I said it. I am that much of a procrastinator)
Percent chance:
Of doing it at all: 100%
Of doing it before midnight: 3%
I had had a very bad smell experience today. After work I stopped at stopped at Famous Liquors in Lombard for some beer. I also wanted some Tortillas to make fajita's for dinner, so I thought that I'd try this tiny Indian meat/grocery store in the strip mall next to Famous Liquors.
I walked in the door and the place just reaked! It smelled like really bad B.O or rancid meat. A few steps into the store and a dry heave later, I relized that they probably didnt' have Torilla's and even if they did, I wouldn't eat anything from a store that smells this bad. I did not pass out though.
Anonymous, at 4/13/2006 09:25:00 PM
Becky. Sorry about the typos in my prior comment, "had had", "stopped at stopped at. You know that I don't studder. I just woke up from a nap on my couch and am a little out of it. Never comment on a blog or operate heavy machinery after a nap.
Anonymous, at 4/13/2006 09:36:00 PM
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