Mostly Lionel Richie
A morbid thought to start off with... After going to a wedding shower this weekend, I thought about how these past few years, wedding season has been 4 months of bridal showers, bachelorette parties, and weddings. And how these are the years of our lives when we’re going to wedding after wedding because that's the part of their lives our friends are in--the getting married part. Soon it will be the having babies part, and then it will be baby showers and baptisms everywhere. It’s sad to think that there will be a time down the road when all of our friends start dying, and we'll spend our time going to funeral after funeral.
I listened to Lionel Richie all weekend.

I got a quite amusing treat when I opened up the little book that came in the CD case and saw how Lionel and the Commodores used to look. There were jumpsuits and plunging necklines and (am I seeing things?) unnecessary mirrors strapped onto their clothes. And the hair. Wow.

The epitome of sexiness in 1975.

I think they got these outfits cheap from a sci fi space TV show pilot that didn't get picked up.

I named this picture "Costume Party."
I also didn't know they were the original singers of "Brick House." Apparently they were a pretty funky group of big-haired dudes in their day, but now all us young white folk remember them for today is "Easy (Like Sunday Morning)" and "Once, Twice, Three Times a Lady." Kinda sad.
I finally caught up on the dishes yesterday. They had been edging me out in the race for weeks. I finally did about 3 loads of dishes in 2 days and got them all done. Yeah baby. (Do I say that too much? Hmm.) Then I started cleaning my apartment--organizing, throwing away, sweeping, 409ing. It was big. BIG I tell you. Very exciting. Soon I'll be a functioning human being with a functioning house! I can't wait.
That's gonna be it for now...
Big event of the day: More cleaning
Percent: 91%
I listened to Lionel Richie all weekend.

I got a quite amusing treat when I opened up the little book that came in the CD case and saw how Lionel and the Commodores used to look. There were jumpsuits and plunging necklines and (am I seeing things?) unnecessary mirrors strapped onto their clothes. And the hair. Wow.

The epitome of sexiness in 1975.

I think they got these outfits cheap from a sci fi space TV show pilot that didn't get picked up.

I named this picture "Costume Party."
I also didn't know they were the original singers of "Brick House." Apparently they were a pretty funky group of big-haired dudes in their day, but now all us young white folk remember them for today is "Easy (Like Sunday Morning)" and "Once, Twice, Three Times a Lady." Kinda sad.
I finally caught up on the dishes yesterday. They had been edging me out in the race for weeks. I finally did about 3 loads of dishes in 2 days and got them all done. Yeah baby. (Do I say that too much? Hmm.) Then I started cleaning my apartment--organizing, throwing away, sweeping, 409ing. It was big. BIG I tell you. Very exciting. Soon I'll be a functioning human being with a functioning house! I can't wait.
That's gonna be it for now...
Big event of the day: More cleaning
Percent: 91%
Those look like the horrible ugly costumes we had to wear in the ice skating shows. It's like they had a contest to see how they could make us look the most ridiculous.
- "Let's make them wear flourescent orange cropped tights and vertically striped, sequined tops with tassles!"
- "Yeah! I bet they actually would too! Suckers."
I'm not even kidding, that was our costume one year. Becky can back me up on this.
Anonymous, at 4/25/2006 09:47:00 PM
You have pictures now! cool.
yes, that 20th Anniversary picture looks like they got their constumes from Battlestar Galaxia. Actually I think that it would be fun to live in the 70's and dress all goofy. We used to have a 70's parties in law school, and they were a blast. We would go to the Salvation Army, and stock up on shirts with fly away collars and polyester bell-bottom pants.
My health club sent me an e-mail, and they are looking into making Beckyland, Inc. accessable on their internet cafe computers.
Anonymous, at 4/26/2006 08:09:00 AM
I was going to refer to Battlestar Galactica specifically, but then I thought maybe not everyone would know what that is. And anyway, their costumes aren't really that strange. Star Trek's were much more out there.
I believe Mom has a picture of that ice skating costume... Laura and Christie side by side. Now that I know how to put pictures up (it turns out I had to add the .jpg ending to the name, that's all) I could show them to the world (or the 5 people who read this)....
Becky, at 4/26/2006 09:42:00 AM
Faith no more did a cover of Easy (Like Sunday Morning), and that's what got me to finally appreciate Lionel Richie and the Commodores.
A quick side note here: Faith No More also did a cover of the Midnight Cowboy theme on the same EP (Songs to make love to) which helped me win at trivia the other night because I liked the cover so much I watched the movie, and knew that Dustin Hoffman's character, Ratso Rizzo, yelled, "hey, I'm walkin here" in the movie.
Okay, so that wasn't so quick after all, but I'm bored, and Becky has given me a forum to share useless knowledge.
Anywhoo, growing up in the 80's it was a sad sad time for Lionel. Dancing on the cieling, hello, other forgettable "hits".
Yeah, the 70's were pretty groovy.
Anonymous, at 4/26/2006 11:13:00 AM
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