Beckyland, Inc.

Easing boredom since 2005
Adventures, thoughts, and useless trivia
Time to play!
Being a grown-up is fun after all.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Objects at Rest

You know that new John Mayer Song, "Waiting on the World to Change"? Truth is, it's always kind of bothered me. Not the tune--I like the tune. It's the words.

Let me back up.

See, obviously you know I think people should be nice. What you might not know is that deep down, I'm a little militant about it. In the same way my friend Lakshmi has little patience for people who are perennially late or who flake out on their responsibilities (ahem, surprising she still wants to be friends with me, right?)*, I have little patience for people who piss all over others. They just take up space instead of improving the world around them. When I'm feeling fed up with selfish, mean people, what I'm screaming in my head at them is, "Either make the world better, damnit, or f-ing get out of the way!" (Notice the language. That should be a sign I'm getting riled up.)

(*Interesting side note: I just realized it's a sign you know someone well if you can say what really tries their patience. Not what makes them irritated or angry--those are sometimes different things: For instance, I know my friend John gets disproportionately pissed off if people physically hit, pinch, or elbow him, even lightly as a joke. (I got in big trouble on my way to learning that lesson.) But what I'm talking about is what really gets their dander up. Take Christy--she can't deal with people who don't stick up for themselves. ...Which is good, you know? She's right. And if I hadn't had her around all these years to berate me for letting people walk all over me, well then I'd probably be more trampled than I already am. Hmm. I smell a question of the day for later.)

So obviously I agree with John Mayer that the world is shitty and unfair, and I share his frustration that he doubts it's ever going to get better.

But it's the word waiting that gets to me. Waiting on the world to change. When has waiting for something to happen been the best way to get it to happen?

I mean, look, I use the waiting method to clean my apartment. Yep, I sit around, hating the fact that it's dirty, knowing I should clean it, *secretly hoping (ooh ooh!)* that it will just magically get cleaner on its own.

Strangely enough, it never does. Shocker. In fact, all it does if I do nothing is get slowly, steadily worse*.

*Is this like a fundamental law of physics or something? Because it's true of everything. Your favorite sweater, a concrete road, the business you own--if you don't keep them up, they all skate inevitably into decline until you have to give up and start over. Which actually, hmm, calls to mind a certain man with a boat, now doesn't it? (Wow, didn't think I'd be bringing religion into this.) (Gosh, I have a lot of tangents today.)


So since I'm a card-carrying member (and just as guilty as anyone), I'm allowed to say it: Sigh. The collective inertia of our generation is staggering.

Have you ever heard old* people talk about their college days? How they staged protests, sit-ins, organized rallies? They saw stuff they didn't like--inequality, the war--and they actually went and did something about it.

*Of course, don't tell them I described them that way.

Me, I know I should do something, but I don't know what (either that or I'm too lazy to make the effort to even find out what to do), so I basically do the old "lie down until the feeling goes away". Watch some Friends, read some blogs, wrap myself in a safe little cocoon of distractions until the intrusive buzzing sound of the rest of the world dies out.

Woe is me. I don't really do anything... but gosh darn, I sure do feel bad about it.


Question: What about people do you not have the patience for?

Big Event of the Day (tomorrow): Continue my search for a sweater to wear over my dress for the wedding Saturday
Percent Chance: Of looking: 71.6%
Of finding something: I'm not too optimistic. 22%. It may be time to dig out a backup outfit.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Outta Material!

Hi guys!

I'm watching Will and Grace, eating ice cream, and the dishwasher is running in the background.

Ahh. No matter that my house is as dirty as ever; with audible proof that I've accomplished something, I'm free to slack in peace.

Can't think of much else to say. Shoooot! I have been trying for a while but I got nuthin. My neck is sore, that's what. I've been spending too much time sitting at the computer and turning sideways to look at the T.V. Oh, how much energy I waste having both the TV and computer on at the same time. But how else am I supposed to entertain myself when it's cold outside?

Question: Do you still have your wisdom teeth?

Big Event of the Day (tomorrow): Visit with my just-became-local (!) friends Lexie and Scott
Percent Chance: 96.81% (unless there's a tornado or the buses shut down or one of us becomes violently ill)

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Cheap Thrills

Hi hi. I wholeheartedly agree with you. There should be a new Beckyland entry up here! What does this Becky expect us to do, all alone with nothing fun to read? Jeez.


I am really trying to go to bed early tonight so as to avoid the nodding off at the desk tomorrow. I will write for 4 minutes--that is how long it takes until Will and Grace is over. Enough time for one story. More of a storylet, really.

I went to a bachelorette party on Saturday. Wooooooow did I find out it's a bad idea to run off alone and do shots just because you're tired of your hands being cold holding a drink and your stomach being full of liquid. P.S., also: drinking while in a bad mood will not improve the situation. At least not for me anyway. Many apologies to Christy and Kate who had to listen to me cry and bemoan the state of the world and all the mean people in it for the last hour of the night. Wooops. It's okay now. I'm over it. Think I even learned a lesson about mean vs. nice and how I should think of things as more of a gray area.

Time for bed!

Question: What's your favorite breakfast food? I made eggs benedict and hash browns tonight for dinner. Yum. And, of course, on the side, vegetables, which happen to go very nicely with Hollandaise sauce (it is just butter sauce, after all).

Big Event of the Day (tomorrow): Take my winter coat to get fixed (BLAAAAAH)
Percent Chance: 39.4% (It requires I get home before 6:45 so I can get to the dry cleaners before it closes)