Sliding Scales
I don't know exactly what to write about, so for fun I'll try to illustrate my current mental and emotional state by rating where I fall in several categories:
0 = lump of coal, sack of potatoes, etc.
10 = Skydiving solo, "Spring Break WOOOOO!"
0 ...........[3.7]......................... 10
0 = depths of despair, wracking sobs, inconsolable
10 = spontaneous song and dance, overuse of exclamation marks, skipping and twirling
0 ...........................[7.2]......... 10
Optimism about Life
0 = There will never be an end to warfare and misery in the world; we're all going to die and wither into insignificance over the billions-year-long destiny of the Earth so nothing matters anyway;
10 = Absolutely anything is possible; the world is a playground; "I LOVE getting up in the morning. I clap my hands and say, 'THIS is gonna be a great day!'"
0 ...........................[7.4]......... 10
0 = completely calm; serene as a feather on the wind; any problems roll right off my back
10 = hysterical rage, screaming, shredded flesh (yours)
0 .[0.6]................................... 10
Mental Acuity
0 = sets alarm for pm instead of am, accidentally sends e-mail in which I complain about boss TO boss in question, sets apartment on fire
10 = the pinnacle of smarts: a cross between Stephen Hawking and MacGyver
0 ...........[3.8]......................... 10
0 = like a 3-day uncharged phone that won't even turn on
10 = organizing march on Washington, cleaning entire house including mopping floors
0 ...[1.4]................................. 10
Question: In honor of having just seen Step Up this weekend (which I have to admit I didn't like, but that's just me), tell me another movie of the same genre (wherein a guy and a girl are forced to work together in some sort of dance or athletic competition and then get together), and tell me what you thought of it.
Big Event of the Day (tomorrow): Um.... hmm. Okay, load the dishwasher.
Percent Chance: Considering I had to use a tupperware container as a bowl for my ice cream tonight, I'd say it's getting urgent. 86.2%
0 = lump of coal, sack of potatoes, etc.
10 = Skydiving solo, "Spring Break WOOOOO!"
0 ...........[3.7]......................... 10
0 = depths of despair, wracking sobs, inconsolable
10 = spontaneous song and dance, overuse of exclamation marks, skipping and twirling
0 ...........................[7.2]......... 10
Optimism about Life
0 = There will never be an end to warfare and misery in the world; we're all going to die and wither into insignificance over the billions-year-long destiny of the Earth so nothing matters anyway;
10 = Absolutely anything is possible; the world is a playground; "I LOVE getting up in the morning. I clap my hands and say, 'THIS is gonna be a great day!'"
0 ...........................[7.4]......... 10
0 = completely calm; serene as a feather on the wind; any problems roll right off my back
10 = hysterical rage, screaming, shredded flesh (yours)
0 .[0.6]................................... 10
Mental Acuity
0 = sets alarm for pm instead of am, accidentally sends e-mail in which I complain about boss TO boss in question, sets apartment on fire
10 = the pinnacle of smarts: a cross between Stephen Hawking and MacGyver
0 ...........[3.8]......................... 10
0 = like a 3-day uncharged phone that won't even turn on
10 = organizing march on Washington, cleaning entire house including mopping floors
0 ...[1.4]................................. 10
Question: In honor of having just seen Step Up this weekend (which I have to admit I didn't like, but that's just me), tell me another movie of the same genre (wherein a guy and a girl are forced to work together in some sort of dance or athletic competition and then get together), and tell me what you thought of it.
Big Event of the Day (tomorrow): Um.... hmm. Okay, load the dishwasher.
Percent Chance: Considering I had to use a tupperware container as a bowl for my ice cream tonight, I'd say it's getting urgent. 86.2%
Typically I'm not a huge fan of that genre, but I found out a while back that you and I share a fondness for one of the greatest movies ever: The Cutting Edge. :-)
These are some of my favorite lines:
"Oh, Doug. Douglas. Please don't think! I think so long and I think so hard, and it's so tiring."
"Legano, nay-legano... is gray area."
"Parlez-vous Olympics?!"
"So, we have little problem, eh? Okay. We skip little problem. Move on to big problem. 'And what is big problem, coach?' Smilkof and Brusken. 'Who?' Smilkof and Brusken! Last night they win European championship. Perfect scores. Hellllo Soviet prize package! Goodbye gold medal."
Katie, at 8/29/2006 07:35:00 AM
Very clever blog. Let me rate your blog entry.
0 = A Bad Pauly Shore movie (Encino Man, Bio Dome, etc.)
10 = A razor sharp article in The Onion; an especially good Family Guy Espisode; laughing so much your sides hurt and your eyes get moist.
Oh, I almost forgot to answer your question. I'm also not a fan of that genre. I'll have to go with "Save the Last Dance". Although I don't think that I was the target demographic for the flick.
Anonymous, at 8/29/2006 08:33:00 AM
Oh, so much fun to quote The Cutting Edge! Toe pick! Toooooe piiiiick!
Other than that one, Center Stage. Absolutely. Best movie with dancing in it, because most of the cast were actually professional dancers. And I actually liked the dance she did at the end, unlike Save the Last Dance.
Anonymous, at 8/29/2006 03:09:00 PM
Yeah, the Save the Last Dance dance didn't impress me much. Same with Step Up. You can walk into any popular dance club and see better.
Becky, at 8/29/2006 04:47:00 PM
I totally agree with Center Stage Comment - the dance scene at the end was awesome - although I don't know if I'd be able to act out sleeping with a guy at the age of 19 20 while on stage knowing my parents were in the audience watching. But then again I grew up in a family where we got to watch the edited version of the edited version of Pretty Women so maybe I just have issues :)
Anonymous, at 8/30/2006 11:28:00 PM
An edited version of the edited version? There wasn't even hardly anything in that movie, anyway! Maybe the piano scene, and the Geoge Costanza being mean scene, but other than that?
Becky, at 8/31/2006 09:43:00 AM
Becky. Write more. Tell a funny story, I know you have plenty.
Anonymous, at 9/05/2006 09:36:00 PM
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