Beckyland, Inc.

Easing boredom since 2005
Adventures, thoughts, and useless trivia
Time to play!
Being a grown-up is fun after all.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Oh Soooo Much Past the Bedtime

I heart Chicago.

I don't heart Chicago when it's so hot you can't breathe, or when it's so cold your body freezes up. But I do still heart it when it's raining, like last night, when I got caught in a downpour and within a block I was soaked through. But it wasn't hot!!! AW! my god, am I glad it's not HOT anymore. And plus, Chicago is just fun to mess about in. (I'd like to be British so I could say things like "mess about" without it being strange.)

I went shopping today. Know what I decided? The reason I like shopping is not the actual selecting of clothes or the trying on of them. There are only two things that I truly find enjoyable about shopping: 1) talking to the cashiers and salespeople, especially if you really have to consult with them about something (Something about the personal attention gives me warm contenty feelings. It happens at the doctor, too, but usually only if it's a check-up of the normal variety), and 2) examining, up close and personal, your various facial pores, zits and bumps in the full-length mirrors in the changing room. Oh, and I suppose 3) the coming home and trying on of all your other clothes to see what will match the clothes that you bought. That's what I've been doing for the past few hours, and now it's 2:30 am! Gaah!

Short, SHORT version (Do you? Yes. Do YOU? YES. Good. You're married.):

Question: Were you, or were you not, in an awesome mood when the heat wave broke today?*

*We apologize for the overly 90's "rock on," white college student use of "awesome." It just came out that way.

Big Event of the Day (tomorrow):
Duh, wearing an article of recently bought clothing, of course. Helloooo--it's the best part.
Percent chance: Well, I do have to consider the fact I need an outfit that I can go to work in, go to Summerdance in (salsa AND bachata tomorrow), and then go out in (I'm Superman-ing it, as Katie says, with a multi-purpose outfit)... there's a chance my new clothes won't make the cut. But I'll try. 69.66%


  • A new blog? Two days in a row of blogging? Wow, what a treat for all of the bored people sitting in their offices or cubes!

    I can't superman it with my clothes. I dress like a corporate mid-level tool to work, so I brought my backback today with some jeans and a t-shirt to go out after work.

    But I do take issue with your term "superman-ing it". As I recall, in emergencies even superman would have to run to a phone booth and change from his work clothes to his caped outfit. So if you can go to three different events in one outfit, you are one up on the man of steel.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8/04/2006 11:21:00 AM  

  • Good observation. Superman was a bit of a clothes horse. I bet he spent a lot of time getting that little curly-cue hair thingy in the front. What a man-priss.

    As a resident of sunny California, I cannot comment on the heat wave. But I definitely remember the miserable nights when we had to sleep downstairs in the living room because it was the only room in the house with AC. Walking upstairs was like getting hit in the face with a hot, wet towel. Not pleasant. (Although I guess some people are into that sort of thing....) But I'm glad it's cooler there, because I'm coming home to visit in less than one week! Oh the joy!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8/04/2006 12:49:00 PM  

  • I Heart Beckyland.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8/04/2006 12:49:00 PM  

  • Me so sad. Write more.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8/08/2006 07:01:00 PM  

  • i hope i come to heart chicago. i'm soon to become "mike in chicago" and am really bummed to be leaving nyc. it's good to hear that chicago seems to be a nice city.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8/10/2006 11:06:00 AM  

  • Chicago is a great city. The first thing you'll notice is how nice the people are. In NY you rarely look anyone in the eye, it's all very impersonal. But Chicagoans are nice, friendly, chatty even. And there's not as much honking. It's one of the few cities that has real personality and uniqueness. Like NY, Boston, San Francisco, Seattle, and maybe a few others. Plus it's a very young city, with lots of 20-somethings out doing fun things.

    So, in conclusion, everyone should move to Chicago. Including me. Oh wait, I live in sunny, beautiful Cali. Nevermind. =)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8/11/2006 01:59:00 AM  

  • Woo, personal mention! That's almost as cool as when you dubbed eating your lunch while waiting in line for the microwave as "pulling a Katie."

    By Blogger Katie, at 8/13/2006 10:30:00 AM  

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