Other People's Adventures
The other day at rush hour the blue line subway derailed and caused a fire. The tunnels filled up with smoke and the passengers had to be evacuated.
And I am allowed to say this now, because apparently everyone will be okay, that I think if I had been on that train, aside from being panicked and what not during, looking back later on, I'd think it was kinda cool. I would have gotten to be one of those privileged people who actually got to use the secret subway tunnels (I didn't even know they were there) and come out through a hatch in the sidewalk straight out onto the street! Something about that just captures my imagination.
On the CBS news clip (click on the video to the right), the flashy headline is "Blue Line Emergency." I find it interesting that they didn't say "Accident." Although I guess you could make the argument that "accident" has a more scary connotation (cut to the doctor breaking the news to the family members: "Your son/mother/uncle was in an accident..."). "Emergency" seems lighter somehow, that it was a tense situation but that, whew, everything turned out okay. Maybe they didn't want to scare viewers by worrying them that family members had died. What do you think?
Also, the passenger interviews, they make me think. Those people didn't know they were going to have a (near)-near-death experience that day. They also didn't know they were going to be on TV. Which is a good reminder to me that I should try not to look so dumpy/unglamorous when I'm out and about, 'cause wouldn't it suck if I got my once-in-a-lifetime random interview for the news and I looked horrible? Also, I'm reminded of the famous mothers' phrase (although mine never said it) to "always wear clean underwear in case you're in an accident." I think better advice would be (because who doesn't wear clean underwear? Eww) to always carry a cell phone.
Have you ever had to be evacuated from somewhere or be helped by emergency workers? Tell me stories.
Big Event of the Day (tomorrow): buy new swimsuit before this weekend! (I did return those other ones today, but no luck on finding a new one... of course, this may have to do with the fact that I spent the time from returning the swimsuits (7:00) to the time all the stores closed (9:00) at Forever 21 and Old Navy, not looking at swimsuits but instead trying on summer bar-hopping tops which I think are cute but even if I buy them I never wear them, so I don't know why I bothered....)
Percent Chance:
Of going to an actual swimsuit-carrying store and making an effort to shop for one: 91.77%
Of actually finding and purchasing a suitable (hee hee) suit: 8.002%
And I am allowed to say this now, because apparently everyone will be okay, that I think if I had been on that train, aside from being panicked and what not during, looking back later on, I'd think it was kinda cool. I would have gotten to be one of those privileged people who actually got to use the secret subway tunnels (I didn't even know they were there) and come out through a hatch in the sidewalk straight out onto the street! Something about that just captures my imagination.
On the CBS news clip (click on the video to the right), the flashy headline is "Blue Line Emergency." I find it interesting that they didn't say "Accident." Although I guess you could make the argument that "accident" has a more scary connotation (cut to the doctor breaking the news to the family members: "Your son/mother/uncle was in an accident..."). "Emergency" seems lighter somehow, that it was a tense situation but that, whew, everything turned out okay. Maybe they didn't want to scare viewers by worrying them that family members had died. What do you think?
Also, the passenger interviews, they make me think. Those people didn't know they were going to have a (near)-near-death experience that day. They also didn't know they were going to be on TV. Which is a good reminder to me that I should try not to look so dumpy/unglamorous when I'm out and about, 'cause wouldn't it suck if I got my once-in-a-lifetime random interview for the news and I looked horrible? Also, I'm reminded of the famous mothers' phrase (although mine never said it) to "always wear clean underwear in case you're in an accident." I think better advice would be (because who doesn't wear clean underwear? Eww) to always carry a cell phone.
Have you ever had to be evacuated from somewhere or be helped by emergency workers? Tell me stories.
Big Event of the Day (tomorrow): buy new swimsuit before this weekend! (I did return those other ones today, but no luck on finding a new one... of course, this may have to do with the fact that I spent the time from returning the swimsuits (7:00) to the time all the stores closed (9:00) at Forever 21 and Old Navy, not looking at swimsuits but instead trying on summer bar-hopping tops which I think are cute but even if I buy them I never wear them, so I don't know why I bothered....)
Percent Chance:
Of going to an actual swimsuit-carrying store and making an effort to shop for one: 91.77%
Of actually finding and purchasing a suitable (hee hee) suit: 8.002%
Some of you may know this story but when I was in college (don't all great stories start that way?) my dumbass along with 35 others decided to cram ourselves into the elevator. We went up and then all the sudden we started going down, not at a life threatening rate but still not good. Then we stopped just below the basement level where we were stuck for 45 minutes. All smooshed together and not being able to breath. So after about 35 minutes I hyperventilated and passed out. When the fire department finally got us out, I was revived and a big burly fire fighter had to carry me up 5 flights of stairs to my bed, where I was safely laid down. The first words out of my mouth were demanding that I talk to John. Maybe that night contributed to his fear of elevators. Anyway, I have to say that being carried my a firefighter is pretty fun.
Anonymous, at 7/13/2006 11:28:00 AM
Thank you for blogging becky. it is much appreciated. As for me, I have no funny/being saved stories. so sad (fortunate?)
christie #2
Anonymous, at 7/13/2006 04:54:00 PM
I got stuck in the elevator at my apartment a few months ago. I hit the button for my floor (4) and it started going up, then went down, then went up, then kind of dropped down fast (that was fun), and finally let me off on floor 2. I was only in there for about 8 minutes, but I was starting to freak out about having to call the fire department, or crashing all the way to the ground. I was rehearsing in my head how I was going to jump right before it hit the ground so I wouldn't get smooshed. (yeah, that doesn't actually work.)
So not so exciting, but could have been.
Anonymous, at 7/13/2006 08:35:00 PM
I have never been fortunate/unfortunate enough be be involved in any type of rescue situtation. Christy's (#1)story takes the cake. Jez, that must have been quite an experience. I won't even get on an elevator at work if there are more than 7 or 8 people on already; especially if the 7 or 8 are the smoking group from our office.
Anonymous, at 7/14/2006 10:25:00 AM
Well. I don't like checking in on Beckyland after a long and I'm sure eventful weekend =) to find that there is no news. No news = Laura no likey. Entertain me. Go.
Anonymous, at 7/17/2006 09:19:00 PM
I could also use a dose of humor from Becky. She is like a drug dealer. She gets us hooked on her blog, and then cuts us off for a while, and next will probably demand money for more entries. I'm on to the game.
Anonymous, at 7/18/2006 11:36:00 AM
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