Music and Dancing but Mostly TV
I love Tavis Smiley. Can I just tell you? Not to sound like a commercial or anything, but it's one of the best shows on TV.
Of course, along with So You Think You Can Dance. Ah yes, I happened to come across this tonight and man oh man. They are so good! And the mambo! Oh, the mambo. I think it is going to become my new favorite dance. It's like salsa, gone crazy. Hips and sequins and arms and legs flying about all uncontrolled-like.
But back to the talk show question, 'cuz I have no other funny stories today (bad day at work.... interesting side note: When I have a bad day, now I hear the cutesy little song in my head that came out about a year ago--"Bad Day" by Daniel Powter. It simultaneously makes me feel better (aw, it's okay... little Becky had a bad day... buck up, little camper) and annoyed (my problems cannot be summed up in a cute little song! My problems are not cute!).)
But anyways, here I have 2 questions for you. First, who is your favorite talk show host--any kind of talk show host--the only criteria being that the show mostly consists of one main host who has guests and talks to them?
And second, if you got famous for something, what talk show would you most like to be on?
Okay, and third question, what do you imagine you'd be famous for?
Big Event of the Day: Well, it's late now, but I would like to say I emptied and loaded the dishwasher, so I did do things. Further plans include going to bed before 1:30.
Percent Chance: 50%
Of course, along with So You Think You Can Dance. Ah yes, I happened to come across this tonight and man oh man. They are so good! And the mambo! Oh, the mambo. I think it is going to become my new favorite dance. It's like salsa, gone crazy. Hips and sequins and arms and legs flying about all uncontrolled-like.
But back to the talk show question, 'cuz I have no other funny stories today (bad day at work.... interesting side note: When I have a bad day, now I hear the cutesy little song in my head that came out about a year ago--"Bad Day" by Daniel Powter. It simultaneously makes me feel better (aw, it's okay... little Becky had a bad day... buck up, little camper) and annoyed (my problems cannot be summed up in a cute little song! My problems are not cute!).)
But anyways, here I have 2 questions for you. First, who is your favorite talk show host--any kind of talk show host--the only criteria being that the show mostly consists of one main host who has guests and talks to them?
And second, if you got famous for something, what talk show would you most like to be on?
Okay, and third question, what do you imagine you'd be famous for?
Big Event of the Day: Well, it's late now, but I would like to say I emptied and loaded the dishwasher, so I did do things. Further plans include going to bed before 1:30.
Percent Chance: 50%
Tough questions. I love Nightline. It's kind of a talk show. Usually they have very interesting topics. Like a few weeks ago, they had a segment on how Iraq people are obsessed with Lionel Richie (your favorite). He's a cult hero over there for some reason. They asked random men in Iraq to sing "Hello", and they were able to. It was pretty weird.
Anonymous, at 6/15/2006 10:52:00 AM
My answer for both of the first two questions would be Jon Stewart. As in "The Daily Show." Dang, he's funny. I would love to be on that show. I hope for writing a book or something, and not for doing something idiotic in congress.
Although, if I was famous, it'd probably be for something stupid accidentally happening to me. Like getting struck by lightning or winning the lottery. I'm much too practical and wussy to do anything radical like quit my job to write a book.
Anonymous, at 6/16/2006 12:54:00 PM
Beckland? I hope that you are not punishing your readers for a lack of comments by taking a vacation from blogging. I struggled through 2 & 1/2 hours of boring meetings today, and could use a clever thought.
Anonymous, at 6/21/2006 01:44:00 PM
Becky.... your public is bored... I haven't heard any witty comments or questions worth pondering in quite some time... You are going to force me to read the gossip columns over lunch instead of Beckyland. Help me. Please.
Anonymous, at 6/21/2006 02:57:00 PM
I like Ellen, she dances all whacky and shit I love that!
And I'll eventually be famous for having stayed married to a man as crazy as John for 50 years-but I'll be on Dr. Phil for that.
Anonymous, at 6/22/2006 02:04:00 PM
oops that was me forgot to put a name on it. Yea! I make my returnm to reading Backyland!
Anonymous, at 6/22/2006 02:05:00 PM
Seriously, Becky. Write something. It makes me sad to not have Beckyness.
Anonymous, at 6/22/2006 05:24:00 PM
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