19 Cents
I got my band-aid wet when I washed my hands today. Walking back to my cube, I squeezed the band-aid and water came out the little holes, like sweat from real pores. It was kinda weird.
This morning, I noticed one of the marble tiles in my shower is swirled in such a way that it looks like a man in a suit holding a baby. Or possibly eating a baby.
I got my ears pierced way back when I was like 10 or something. I remember for me, the oldest, it was torture waiting that long. All my friends already had them pierced. But whoever at Claires did the little piercer thingy did a good job, though, because as far as I can tell, the holes are exactly symmetrical. So good $10 investment there.
It is soooo hot lately. My apartment is hot, walking to work is hot, the bus is hot, trying to sleep is hot. I mean, I guess I should be grateful--I spent the last 7 months being cold all the time, but can't we just have something in the middle? I need to get an air conditioner, yes sirree.
I played wiffle ball on Sunday with some U of I friends. They instituted a great rule for the game--a no-hustle rule. That's right--you are not allowed to hustle or exert a level of effort that could possibly be construed as "trying to win." People seen hustling (such as sprinting to second base instead of just jogging over to first) were promptly sent back to the previous base. Awesome.
I am never going to Bed Bath & Beyond again. Linens n' Things is much better. At BB&B, I'll spend an hour wandering around the store trying to find someone who will help me, and when they do, they either a) are pissed off I'm taking up their time and they don't work in this section anyway, b) can't find the thing I need, or c) are so slow it seems as if they are walking in waist high invisible sand. Versus LNT where as soon as you walk in you are greeted by 5 or 6 cheerful people who ask you if they can help, and then when you take them up on it and say, "Yeah, actually--could you help me find such-and-such?", they actually walk around with you, show you the different options and maybe even draw a picture with a pink highlighter so you're both clear on your drapery needs, like the last guy did.
Add one to my list of bodily injuries that hurt more than reason would predict: blisters on your feet. Wow. From wearing sandals the last week or so, I have these horrible blisters that won't heal. They hurt even when I'm just standing there barefoot. It's not fun. I had to wear boring pants and winter shoes today because all my sandals give me pain to walk in them. So now the list goes papercuts, burns, and blisters. (Which I guess burns are blisters, so hmm. Same thing I guess.)
Big Event of the Day: CLEAN!! For the love of God!
Percent Chance:
of cleaning more than 5 items: 16.72%
This morning, I noticed one of the marble tiles in my shower is swirled in such a way that it looks like a man in a suit holding a baby. Or possibly eating a baby.
I got my ears pierced way back when I was like 10 or something. I remember for me, the oldest, it was torture waiting that long. All my friends already had them pierced. But whoever at Claires did the little piercer thingy did a good job, though, because as far as I can tell, the holes are exactly symmetrical. So good $10 investment there.
It is soooo hot lately. My apartment is hot, walking to work is hot, the bus is hot, trying to sleep is hot. I mean, I guess I should be grateful--I spent the last 7 months being cold all the time, but can't we just have something in the middle? I need to get an air conditioner, yes sirree.
I played wiffle ball on Sunday with some U of I friends. They instituted a great rule for the game--a no-hustle rule. That's right--you are not allowed to hustle or exert a level of effort that could possibly be construed as "trying to win." People seen hustling (such as sprinting to second base instead of just jogging over to first) were promptly sent back to the previous base. Awesome.
I am never going to Bed Bath & Beyond again. Linens n' Things is much better. At BB&B, I'll spend an hour wandering around the store trying to find someone who will help me, and when they do, they either a) are pissed off I'm taking up their time and they don't work in this section anyway, b) can't find the thing I need, or c) are so slow it seems as if they are walking in waist high invisible sand. Versus LNT where as soon as you walk in you are greeted by 5 or 6 cheerful people who ask you if they can help, and then when you take them up on it and say, "Yeah, actually--could you help me find such-and-such?", they actually walk around with you, show you the different options and maybe even draw a picture with a pink highlighter so you're both clear on your drapery needs, like the last guy did.
Add one to my list of bodily injuries that hurt more than reason would predict: blisters on your feet. Wow. From wearing sandals the last week or so, I have these horrible blisters that won't heal. They hurt even when I'm just standing there barefoot. It's not fun. I had to wear boring pants and winter shoes today because all my sandals give me pain to walk in them. So now the list goes papercuts, burns, and blisters. (Which I guess burns are blisters, so hmm. Same thing I guess.)
Big Event of the Day: CLEAN!! For the love of God!
Percent Chance:
of cleaning more than 5 items: 16.72%
Much with the funniness. Yesh.
I've also grown to hate BB&B. But they keep sending me those damn 20% off coupons, and like a schmuck, I keep using them. I'm an addict.
Can I add an injury to your list? The little sore you get when you accidentally bite the inside of your cheek. It swells up and then you keep biting it and it slowly drives you mad. MAD, I TELL YOU!!
My back hurts. And for this reason I am going to go home. That, plus the fact that it's just sad to be at work on 8pm just because you have nothing better to do.
Anonymous, at 5/30/2006 09:55:00 PM
Are ya KIddin'? That's why I'm still at work late...
Yes, and the little white spots on the inside of your cheek that take forever to heal, especially if they are by a tooth. Can't have orange juice or pizza until it goes away.
Becky, at 5/31/2006 10:23:00 AM
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