Book Deals for the Deserving
I have to write new post for this. For a couple days I've been meaning to mention to you this blog I came across by a girl who's been homeless and living in her car all winter, every day blogging about her experience. It's fascinating reading, very poetic, sometimes quirky, and impossible to get out of your head. And as this girl was hoping, by blogging about her experience over the course of months, some ears eventually perked up and she got a book deal! Soon she'll have the money for a warm apartment and a bed and her own bathroom and everything! Very cool. Check it out. (Start reading from the beginning to really get her story.)
I know--I wondered the same thing. I think she sneaks in and uses one somewhere--maybe on a college campus like how they have free ones... I don't know. At first I was suspicious that her story was fake, too, but if you read her stuff, it's hard to disbelieve her. I think she's crafty enough to find a way to a computer. After all, she scoped out places to shower, so I think she could do this too.
Becky, at 5/18/2006 04:04:00 PM
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