Beckyless Week
Sorry for the lack of blogging. It has been a busy busy week. Even now I can't write much, but here are some random thoughts I've been collecting this week:
Can we please stop the insane "seriously, undeniably, we're-not-kidding-you free checking" business? This has so got to be an American thing, to take something that used to be free, and now advertise it as being something special. Something that previously the idea of someone even charging you for it was absurd, but now, everyone must be charging because this company made a point of saying how with them it's free. "Look! Aren't we so benevolent and ethical! We're not charging you." Do people really get charged for checking accounts? I don't. Discuss.
Pro Pencil! Now with FREE attached eraser!
Primo Coffee! Now with FREE plastic stirrer!
Mr. Hamburger! Now with FREE mustard and pickles!
Sunday I went out to breakfast with my friend Mike (there, now you got your mention--happy?) and he made a quite astute and previously unnoticed by me (as we know, a lofty goal) observation--that breakfast is the happiest meal of the day. When you go out to eat, people out for breakfast are always the happiest. We looked around and decided it was true. Theories?
Somebody left a pair of sandals out by the bus stop. I saw them this morning. Kind of hidden in the back under the metal pole. Who put them there? Why? Did they not want them anymore and left them in case a homeless person wanted them? Did they change their shoes and then forget to take them home? Is there an illicit sandal-trafficking business being run out of that bus stop and I had witnessed a drop in progress?
Also, let's talk about homeless people. I have a question. How does it get decided who gets what corner? Is it a first-come, first served thing? Do people just know, "Oh, that's Rick's corner--I better find a different place"? Does Rick beat up anyone who takes his corner? Are there highly sought-after corners? The ones with the most possibility for cash? Which corners are these? How did they decide this? Are there pimp-type figures for the homeless? Guys who'll guard your corner for you in exchange for a kickback?
Why are there few female homeless--are they just making money through "special dates," or do they have kids to support and so go to shelters, etc.? Where do they sleep? How do you get a good place to sleep? If there is a homeless shelter, would you sleep there? How much money can you pick up begging in a day? Are people begging because they need the money for food or for other things? What do directors of the shelters think about begging?
Okay, so that was more than one question.
I bet you "beg" is a really old word. Almost as old as "eat," and "want" and "live." Well, maybe not that old. But at least as old as there have been cities and not everyone knew everyone and therefore had no obligation to take care of each other. And there was no way for a person to live off the land if they were alone so they had to plead for help.
I'm still at work and I'm hungry. But all I have to eat is garlic bread from lunch, and it will give me really stinky breath, and then I'll have to brush my teeth here at work before I go out tonight 'cause I won't have time to go home beforehand, I ate my last piece of gum today so I can't fake it, the bathroom is so far away, and yes, I do happen to have my toothbrush and shampoo and everything in my bag (that's me--always prepared for any unexpected trip!--Funny how it never happens), but it's too much effort, so I guess I'll just suffer the hunger.
Big Event of the Day: Tango practice or Blonstein's party or both
Percent Chance: Tango, 15%; Party, 25%; Both, 7%; neither, 53%
Can we please stop the insane "seriously, undeniably, we're-not-kidding-you free checking" business? This has so got to be an American thing, to take something that used to be free, and now advertise it as being something special. Something that previously the idea of someone even charging you for it was absurd, but now, everyone must be charging because this company made a point of saying how with them it's free. "Look! Aren't we so benevolent and ethical! We're not charging you." Do people really get charged for checking accounts? I don't. Discuss.
Pro Pencil! Now with FREE attached eraser!
Primo Coffee! Now with FREE plastic stirrer!
Mr. Hamburger! Now with FREE mustard and pickles!
Sunday I went out to breakfast with my friend Mike (there, now you got your mention--happy?) and he made a quite astute and previously unnoticed by me (as we know, a lofty goal) observation--that breakfast is the happiest meal of the day. When you go out to eat, people out for breakfast are always the happiest. We looked around and decided it was true. Theories?
Somebody left a pair of sandals out by the bus stop. I saw them this morning. Kind of hidden in the back under the metal pole. Who put them there? Why? Did they not want them anymore and left them in case a homeless person wanted them? Did they change their shoes and then forget to take them home? Is there an illicit sandal-trafficking business being run out of that bus stop and I had witnessed a drop in progress?
Also, let's talk about homeless people. I have a question. How does it get decided who gets what corner? Is it a first-come, first served thing? Do people just know, "Oh, that's Rick's corner--I better find a different place"? Does Rick beat up anyone who takes his corner? Are there highly sought-after corners? The ones with the most possibility for cash? Which corners are these? How did they decide this? Are there pimp-type figures for the homeless? Guys who'll guard your corner for you in exchange for a kickback?
Why are there few female homeless--are they just making money through "special dates," or do they have kids to support and so go to shelters, etc.? Where do they sleep? How do you get a good place to sleep? If there is a homeless shelter, would you sleep there? How much money can you pick up begging in a day? Are people begging because they need the money for food or for other things? What do directors of the shelters think about begging?
Okay, so that was more than one question.
I bet you "beg" is a really old word. Almost as old as "eat," and "want" and "live." Well, maybe not that old. But at least as old as there have been cities and not everyone knew everyone and therefore had no obligation to take care of each other. And there was no way for a person to live off the land if they were alone so they had to plead for help.
I'm still at work and I'm hungry. But all I have to eat is garlic bread from lunch, and it will give me really stinky breath, and then I'll have to brush my teeth here at work before I go out tonight 'cause I won't have time to go home beforehand, I ate my last piece of gum today so I can't fake it, the bathroom is so far away, and yes, I do happen to have my toothbrush and shampoo and everything in my bag (that's me--always prepared for any unexpected trip!--Funny how it never happens), but it's too much effort, so I guess I'll just suffer the hunger.
Big Event of the Day: Tango practice or Blonstein's party or both
Percent Chance: Tango, 15%; Party, 25%; Both, 7%; neither, 53%
I used to work with a girl whose neighbor earned so much money begging on the street that he bought himself a condo in Florida. Which then makes me wonder about the people I'm giving money to . . . are they really in need, or did they just realize this was a heck of a way to make money?
I see the same homeless people in front of work every day, and I really feel I ought to know there name, its just strange to see someone every few days and not know there name.
Ohh, I found a place to live, I can know re-enter the world of the sociable! I'll call you this week and see when a good time is to catch up.
Anonymous, at 5/08/2006 11:28:00 PM
I remember when banks would give out real free stuff. My parents still have a blender that they got when they opened an account at St. Paul Federal about 28 years ago. Since I was only a toddler, I didn't get a blender, but I did get one of those cool coin banks, where you drop a coin in and it would automaticaly sort the coin.
Then banks got sick of giving people real free stuff, so they started to adverstise fake free stuff, like free checking, free ATM usage, and free on-line access. It's a scam.
Another Beckyless Week?
Anonymous, at 5/09/2006 02:09:00 PM
Becky. Every day I check Beckyland for some Beckiness and lately there has been none. It makes me like this: =| Not so much this: =( because I am going to play poker tonight and I will still salvage some fun from my evening. But it could be a lot more like this: =) if you had some blogginess full of Beckiness. Or dare I say this: 8^P
Anonymous, at 5/10/2006 08:33:00 PM
Aww, is your little guy wearing sunglasses, or does he just have googly eyes? Either way.
Becky, at 5/11/2006 12:15:00 AM
He has googly eyes. Duh.
Anonymous, at 5/11/2006 12:52:00 PM
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