I actually cleaned yesterday. Windexed the table, swept and everything. No mopping, though. That is going too far.
You know how supposedly kids' lives really have been saved because the candy they were choking on was a Lifesaver, and they could breathe through the hole? I always feel snuggly safe eating a Lifesaver. Not so with a Werthers. I've almost choked on Werthers before. Now don't get me wrong--they're yummy, but I am not so sure I am fully qualified to eat them unsupervised.
Living alone = more chance of choking on my food and dying.
Actually (and hopefully I'm not the only one who has done this) I've thought about what I would do if I started to choke while alone in my apartment. I'm thinking throw myself over the edge of the couch as the first option. Then dial 911 and make gasping noises until they trace the call and come find me. Well, except that I only have a cell phone and they can't trace those as accurately--only to like a 4-block radius or something. But hey, somebody told me the other day that they're improving this, so maybe they'd find me after all and I wouldn't die.
Anyway. I really should learn CPR and all that lifesaving stuff. Wouldn't want to be in a situation of, "DAGNABBIT! WHY didn't I take that class!?" as someone is in cardiac arrest in front of me.
I know a guy who saved someone's life once. Gave this guy the Heimlich. Even if he never does anything else with the rest of his life, he can say he did that. Must be nice to have the pressure taken off.
Well, unless the person whose life he saved turned out to be a very bad person, like (and I'll try not to get banned by more company websites) the one who caused the non-living of all those Europeans 50 years ago. (Actually, I'm sure there's more than one, come to think of it, but you know the one I mean.)
I saw a Twilight Zone special or some sort of TV movie special about this young woman who was sent back in time to work as a servant in the previously-mentioned bad guy's house, way back when scary man was a wee little baby. Her mission was to stop him from ever growing up to do all those bad things. In one scene, the parents leave secret-future-servant-lady alone with the baby. We see her looking down at him sleeping in his crib, the moment of action, no reason not to follow through on her mission and knowing with certainty the horrible things that will happen if she lets him live, yet unable to justify hurting this infant who hasn't done anything.
Dilemma for you. Let me tell ya--glad I wasn't that lady. Decisions are hard enough when they're pie vs. ice cream or paper vs. plastic, let alone this.
Big Event of the Day: Go see a free office-sponsored play with Katie
Percent Chance: 99.75% (barring acts of nature, the show being cancelled, and surprise Oprah on-the-street ambush makeovers (for which I would fully qualify))
You know how supposedly kids' lives really have been saved because the candy they were choking on was a Lifesaver, and they could breathe through the hole? I always feel snuggly safe eating a Lifesaver. Not so with a Werthers. I've almost choked on Werthers before. Now don't get me wrong--they're yummy, but I am not so sure I am fully qualified to eat them unsupervised.
Living alone = more chance of choking on my food and dying.
Actually (and hopefully I'm not the only one who has done this) I've thought about what I would do if I started to choke while alone in my apartment. I'm thinking throw myself over the edge of the couch as the first option. Then dial 911 and make gasping noises until they trace the call and come find me. Well, except that I only have a cell phone and they can't trace those as accurately--only to like a 4-block radius or something. But hey, somebody told me the other day that they're improving this, so maybe they'd find me after all and I wouldn't die.
Anyway. I really should learn CPR and all that lifesaving stuff. Wouldn't want to be in a situation of, "DAGNABBIT! WHY didn't I take that class!?" as someone is in cardiac arrest in front of me.
I know a guy who saved someone's life once. Gave this guy the Heimlich. Even if he never does anything else with the rest of his life, he can say he did that. Must be nice to have the pressure taken off.
Well, unless the person whose life he saved turned out to be a very bad person, like (and I'll try not to get banned by more company websites) the one who caused the non-living of all those Europeans 50 years ago. (Actually, I'm sure there's more than one, come to think of it, but you know the one I mean.)
I saw a Twilight Zone special or some sort of TV movie special about this young woman who was sent back in time to work as a servant in the previously-mentioned bad guy's house, way back when scary man was a wee little baby. Her mission was to stop him from ever growing up to do all those bad things. In one scene, the parents leave secret-future-servant-lady alone with the baby. We see her looking down at him sleeping in his crib, the moment of action, no reason not to follow through on her mission and knowing with certainty the horrible things that will happen if she lets him live, yet unable to justify hurting this infant who hasn't done anything.
Dilemma for you. Let me tell ya--glad I wasn't that lady. Decisions are hard enough when they're pie vs. ice cream or paper vs. plastic, let alone this.
Big Event of the Day: Go see a free office-sponsored play with Katie
Percent Chance: 99.75% (barring acts of nature, the show being cancelled, and surprise Oprah on-the-street ambush makeovers (for which I would fully qualify))
I didn't know that was why Lifesavers were called Lifesavers. That's interesting. I never really think about the names of things though. My high school was called Arthur Hill, and at the winter dance we had a court of guys (much like the Homecoming court of girls in the fall) called "King Arthur's court." It took me until my senior year to connect the name of the school with the name of the court.
Actually, it took me longer than I care to admit to put together that birthdays were called birthdays because they are the day of your birth.
So how much I over-think so many things, I sure have my fits of under-thinking, too.
Katie, at 6/01/2006 03:57:00 PM
Actually, I can't say I know that to be absolutely true, the Lifesavers thing. That's just what my mom told me when I was little, and I believed her. Or, well, somebody told me, anyway, back in the days where I believed anything anyone told me. The other option is that the're named fer the physical objects, life preservers, you know, that you throw to men overboard.
There are lots of names for things I didn't get for a long time either. 'Course I can't think of any good examples right now. But maybe other people out there can (you know, like all 5 of them).
Becky, at 6/01/2006 04:14:00 PM
I did some research. Lifesavers were named after life preservers, as they look like little life preservers. I used to think that they were called lifesavers, because if you had really bad breath and you were going to go out on a date, they would be "lifesavers". It's funny the crazy things kids think up.
Anonymous, at 6/01/2006 04:46:00 PM
Ooh! Nice one.
Becky, at 6/01/2006 04:51:00 PM
My dad told me when I was little that the little forest behind our house (which was like a gigantic jungle to me back then) was a family graveyard. And that old owners of the house were buried there. It wasn't until like a year ago that I found out that wasn't true. In fact, he didn't even remember telling me that and looked at me like I was crazy when I mentioned it non-chalantly.
I also read a really funny article once by a girl who always thought that xing was a word, as on the signs, "Caution, Children Xing." She thought it was because they would run really fast across the street and make a "xing" noise. I actually used to pronounce it xing too, until I found out a few years ago that it's actually an abbreviation for "crossing."
Yeah, we're all stupid in our own special way.
Anonymous, at 6/01/2006 08:39:00 PM
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