Little Bo Peep
Okay, guys--I'm going to have to issue another one of my stern roll calls.... if you are here and reading my blog, you have to say so! Otherwise this is what happens: I open up my blog, see that I have no new comments, and I say to myself, "Well, guess not everyone has read that one yet." Or sometimes when I'm in a bad mood (like today), I say, "Why should I give them free entertainment when they don't entertain me?" Either way I don't write, and you are bored. So you see why you should do your part? Becky has superfans, she writes more things, she is entertained, you are entertained, and everybody wins. So. Here is the plan. I will try to write a question for you to answer every day. I will write it again at the end so you don't forget. And, if you don't want to answer it, just say hello or write what your big plan is for the day. That way I know you're here and the Beckybloggyverse has not only a new post to read, but fun comments from you. Go.
I am eating stale tostada shells in my cube because I'm hungry but I've got work still to finish so I can't go home yet, but I'm too mopey to get it done. Such a sad picture.
Listened to Lionel Richie this morning. He's good, but it wasn't strong enough medicine I guess.
Last night I went to Whedonesque, 'cuz every so often I do that, to see what's going on with the Whedonverse, (shhhh! SHHHH! I can hear you whispering to each other already), and I found a link to one of the writers' websites. It's her blog, actually, and she gives you tips on how to write scripts. Good stuff, actually. So now that's what I'm going to do--write a script for a scene. Wait for my fledgling attempt:
This is hard.
Wow, okay, I have been at this for at least 2 hours. I've written and deleted probably hundreds of words. But there are so many things to worry about! You gotta decide what you want to happen, a genre, and within that genre, a conflict and resolution, and then you gotta divide up the action between characters, so you gotta make characters and decide what they're gonna be like, give them intriguing layers and keep them consistent from one moment to the next while still developing them continuously, and the whole thing doesn't work unless you have not only believable characters but believable relationships between those characters, so that takes a lot of work--deciding how these characters feel about each other and finding a way to show that in the script as well as give the audience some reason to feel the same way...
It is very tricky. Wow.
Okay, well I am not done. Script not ready for debut yet (if ever). Sorry for the false alarm.
As previously stated, I am in a bad mood, so I don't have many fun things to write. So here is your question.
What is your favorite holiday and why?
Big Plan for the Day: Laundry!
Percent Chance: 68%
I am eating stale tostada shells in my cube because I'm hungry but I've got work still to finish so I can't go home yet, but I'm too mopey to get it done. Such a sad picture.
Listened to Lionel Richie this morning. He's good, but it wasn't strong enough medicine I guess.
Last night I went to Whedonesque, 'cuz every so often I do that, to see what's going on with the Whedonverse, (shhhh! SHHHH! I can hear you whispering to each other already), and I found a link to one of the writers' websites. It's her blog, actually, and she gives you tips on how to write scripts. Good stuff, actually. So now that's what I'm going to do--write a script for a scene. Wait for my fledgling attempt:
This is hard.
Wow, okay, I have been at this for at least 2 hours. I've written and deleted probably hundreds of words. But there are so many things to worry about! You gotta decide what you want to happen, a genre, and within that genre, a conflict and resolution, and then you gotta divide up the action between characters, so you gotta make characters and decide what they're gonna be like, give them intriguing layers and keep them consistent from one moment to the next while still developing them continuously, and the whole thing doesn't work unless you have not only believable characters but believable relationships between those characters, so that takes a lot of work--deciding how these characters feel about each other and finding a way to show that in the script as well as give the audience some reason to feel the same way...
It is very tricky. Wow.
Okay, well I am not done. Script not ready for debut yet (if ever). Sorry for the false alarm.
As previously stated, I am in a bad mood, so I don't have many fun things to write. So here is your question.
What is your favorite holiday and why?
Big Plan for the Day: Laundry!
Percent Chance: 68%
Favorite Holiday? Hmmm. Probably Groundhog Day. It's any easy one, because you don't have to do anything. You don't have to worry about buying your sweetheart the right jewelry (like valentines day) or getting your dad some gift that he will probably never use anyways (fathers day). So its an easy one.
Plus they always show that movie "Groundhog Day" with Bill Murray on channel 9. That movie is funny stuff.
Anonymous, at 6/13/2006 08:15:00 AM
Favourite holiday?? This is like asking for my favourite chocolate... I'm an all around holiday fan! I like birthdays too, not mine so much. Somehow not many people like their own bday, I wonder why. Maybe you can ask this question in your blog and see what comes out.
Anonymous, at 6/13/2006 08:50:00 AM
I'm going to have to say the fourth of July, even though it's sort of stealing from Christy. It's smack dab in the middle of summer, so (at least until recently) you had no school or work for forever in either direction. You run into people you know at the parade, and then later, if you feel lazy, you just hang around inside guilt-free. Who can blame you? It's too hot outside.
Becky, at 6/13/2006 12:49:00 PM
Thanksgiving. Hands down. I get to spend quality time with my family, and I don't get that icky, "this is all bullshit" feeling that I get from Christmas. And for that, I am very thankful.
gophilipgo, at 6/13/2006 01:48:00 PM
Yeah, I almost picked that one, but there are always too many people in the kitchen, trying to get everything cooked at the right time and not get burned, everybody getting in each other's way, irritated but trying not to show it... if not for that, I would have picked Thanksgiving.
Becky, at 6/13/2006 04:39:00 PM
I would have to say my favorite holiday is... Christmas. It is really the only time in the entire year that I see all of my family members. Everyone has things going on in seperate places on thanksgiving and we usually just end up hanging out with my grandma and aunts and uncles. But at Christmas time, all the cousins get to see each other and everyone wears warm sweaters and eats yummy food. And we get to play handbells in church. Hey, don't knock it 'til you've tried it. My least fovorite holiday: valentine's day. Even now with a boyfriend, it is still sucky. So much hype, so little holiday. And I remember feeling worthless and unlovable in junior high and high school when all of my friends received ugly teddy bears and cut-out valentines. Valentine's day, for sure the worst.
Anonymous, at 6/13/2006 07:39:00 PM
I was going to say Christmas mostly because of the family togetherness thing, but then I read Philip's comment and changed my mind. Christmas has too much religion in it. (Yeah, I know what you're going to say, and duh... I know.) So if you're not into religion, then it is all a bit much. Especially when your boyfriend is jewish. So I pick Thanksgiving too. But a very close second is Halloween because I love to dress up. In fact, if people let me, I'd wear a costume every day. (When you think about it, we all wear costumes every day. Yesterday I wore my Professional Young Woman costume, and today I had on my Casual Good But Not Sexy costume. There are Preppy costumes and Punk costumes and Anguished Outsider Goth costumes...)
Anonymous, at 6/13/2006 08:50:00 PM
I may be one day late but I feel like talking about holidays...
- July 4th for the weather outside. I just love it when it's hot and sunny outside. It just makes me happy. It's a blend of the "sunglasses effect" (also available in the winter) and the Starbuck's frappuccino effect (big no-no during the winter).
- Thanksgiving for the cheap airfares to go pretty far (americans tend to travel that weekend, but intra-US, so there are some really great fares to other continents for that weekend, did it the last 2 years so far...)
- I have a dilemma about xmas, as I dislike the whole shopping mess. Although I love to offer gifts, the scale and planning it requires remove a big chunk of magic. On the other hand, I see my family / cousins / friends so it's a very nice day (and the food... one of the best food of the year on that day). Oh, and I'm not into religion so this doesn't play part in it...
I'll stop now... that's what happens when I'm stuck at work late 2 days in a row... back to work now.
Anonymous, at 6/13/2006 10:20:00 PM
Labor Day, Cause it's the Indiana Beach weekend!!!
Anonymous, at 6/16/2006 02:16:00 PM
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