Wisdom, Kernels of
Hey sorry for the bad-moodiness yesterday. What can I say? It happens. Thanks for the yummy commenting.
I was reading this book this weekend called Where Are They Buried? How Did They Die? It's an interesting Reader's Digest-type book that profiles famous (and infamous, as the book jacket says) public figures who have died. It tells you the main points of their lives, how they died, and directions to visit their graves. Kinda neat, in a Jerry-Springer scandaly way. Like, for example, we learn, better than any health teacher could put it, Drugs'll kill ya. Wow. And half the time they kill you in a very embarrassing and sad way. You're all trying to be a rock star, too cool for everyone, and then someone finds your body, pants down, in a pool of your own fluids on the floor in front of the toilet.
Also, the rock star crowd--the famous people who died from their excesses, whether they were drugs or obesity or freak accidents--lots of them died right around age 30. Just, of interest. My theory is, most people are generally self-aware by what--let's say age 18? So by about age 28 you've spent 10 years trying to find your place in the world. You try lots of stuff, make a lot of mistakes, but normally at some point you figure it out and shape up. But for these guys, after 10 years, they still haven't, and I figure that's about the limit of time a person can feel rootless and alone before they give up--emotionally, physically, whatever--and self-destruct. Q.E.D.
So yeah, interesting book, but also morbid, and kinda depressing by the end. Probably led to my bad mood. You know the whole, death, what's the point of life when you're just going to kick it thing. Blah. (Push to back of mind and hope it goes away)
Whatev. That's what I say. Great big whatev.
I heard two really good quotes recently, and I am going to write them down for you and for me and for everybody to study and take deep breaths.
Hey, did'ja click on the Dalai Lama link? Kinda funny that he has his own website, right? Wouldn't you think he'd be the type to say, "That's for my followers to put up if they want to, but I'm on a higher plane" or something? Nope. I don't mind though. He's just a hip, karma-filled dude, that's all.
Okay, time for the going. Here is your question:
What is your favorite quote? (I will accept answers in both the serious and comedic categories.)
Big Event of the Day: Woooo, yeeaahh... I never did laundry last night. I am currently wearing my very last pair of work-appropriate socks, so I have to do laundry tonight! But look how I am still here blogging! Do you see my sacrifice?
Percent Chance: (Telling myself I can wear sandals tomorrow.... rationalizing wearing white socks with my black work pants.... getting hooked on a good TV show...) I'm gonna say 79.22%.
I was reading this book this weekend called Where Are They Buried? How Did They Die? It's an interesting Reader's Digest-type book that profiles famous (and infamous, as the book jacket says) public figures who have died. It tells you the main points of their lives, how they died, and directions to visit their graves. Kinda neat, in a Jerry-Springer scandaly way. Like, for example, we learn, better than any health teacher could put it, Drugs'll kill ya. Wow. And half the time they kill you in a very embarrassing and sad way. You're all trying to be a rock star, too cool for everyone, and then someone finds your body, pants down, in a pool of your own fluids on the floor in front of the toilet.
Also, the rock star crowd--the famous people who died from their excesses, whether they were drugs or obesity or freak accidents--lots of them died right around age 30. Just, of interest. My theory is, most people are generally self-aware by what--let's say age 18? So by about age 28 you've spent 10 years trying to find your place in the world. You try lots of stuff, make a lot of mistakes, but normally at some point you figure it out and shape up. But for these guys, after 10 years, they still haven't, and I figure that's about the limit of time a person can feel rootless and alone before they give up--emotionally, physically, whatever--and self-destruct. Q.E.D.
So yeah, interesting book, but also morbid, and kinda depressing by the end. Probably led to my bad mood. You know the whole, death, what's the point of life when you're just going to kick it thing. Blah. (Push to back of mind and hope it goes away)
Whatev. That's what I say. Great big whatev.
I heard two really good quotes recently, and I am going to write them down for you and for me and for everybody to study and take deep breaths.
My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness.
~Dalai Lama
Any time you have an opportunity to make a difference in this world and you don't, then you are wasting your time on Earth.
~Roberto Clemente
Hey, did'ja click on the Dalai Lama link? Kinda funny that he has his own website, right? Wouldn't you think he'd be the type to say, "That's for my followers to put up if they want to, but I'm on a higher plane" or something? Nope. I don't mind though. He's just a hip, karma-filled dude, that's all.
Okay, time for the going. Here is your question:
What is your favorite quote? (I will accept answers in both the serious and comedic categories.)
Big Event of the Day: Woooo, yeeaahh... I never did laundry last night. I am currently wearing my very last pair of work-appropriate socks, so I have to do laundry tonight! But look how I am still here blogging! Do you see my sacrifice?
Percent Chance: (Telling myself I can wear sandals tomorrow.... rationalizing wearing white socks with my black work pants.... getting hooked on a good TV show...) I'm gonna say 79.22%.
I like the quote that goes something like this:
Every great accomplishment in history was declared impossible before it was done.
I don't know who said it. But I also like this one:
Coworkers are like slinkies. They're not really good for anything, but it's still fun to push them down the stairs.
Anonymous, at 6/13/2006 08:55:00 PM
My favorite quote:
"Boy, remember what Vince Lombardi said, 'If you lose, you're out of the family'".
-Homer Simpson
Anonymous, at 6/13/2006 09:34:00 PM
Yay Garrett! I can tell you didn't really feel like leaving a comment, but you did it anyway so I would stop whining. Beckyland thanks you. = )
Simpsons.... eeexcelent.
Becky, at 6/14/2006 12:42:00 AM
Rain or shine, I like to do my small part to support Beckland, Inc.
By the way, I like the new question of the day feature that you have instituted.
Anonymous, at 6/14/2006 08:19:00 AM
I have lots of favorite quotes but here's the top few from various genres:
Inspirational: "Do one thing, every day, that scares you." ~Eleanor Roosevelt
Or maybe "Experience is the most brutal of teachers. But you learn. My God, do you learn."
from a musical: "To love another person is to see the face of God." from Les Miserables
humorous: "Screws fall out all the time. The world is an imperfect place."
Or "How come Andrew gets to get up? If he gets up, we'll all get up! It'll be anarchy!"
Both are from The Breakfast Club, and I guess both are context specific, but funny if you've seen the movie.
This one is a bit religious, but I like it:
"When you come to the edge of all that you know, and are about to step off into darkness unknown, faith is knowing one of two things will happen: There will be something solid to stand on, or you will be taught how to fly." ~Barbara J. Winter
Katie, at 6/14/2006 09:59:00 AM
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