I need to go to bed, but I know I haven't blogged in a while and I feel like I should get something up. It's funny, though--I don't really have anything to write about. I mean, I do--in fact, just today I had a nice chat with the owner of Bears Like Us while I was waiting for the Broadway bus outside his store. And the other night I had the friendliest nicest taxi driver, who was, yet again, Nigerian, which just goes to show you--most African taxi drivers I've met are Nigerian, and ALL of the friendly African drivers have been Nigerian. The numbers are like 5 out of 5 or something. Seriously, I'll start chatting to the driver, notice he has an African accent, and say, "Hey, you're really friendly! I have a theory abot friendly African taxi drivers. Where are you from exactly?" And they ALWAYS say Nigeria. Makes me want to go there. There and Tanzania, cause I hear they're nice there too. Oh, actually, the other night I met a guy who'd lived in Tanzania for a month.
Anyway. But I just feel sort of quiet today. Like if everything is settled down inside in a nice comfortable position, why stir it up with words?
Mr. Rogers would back me up on this. Sounds like something he would say: "Sometimes you just feel like being _quiet_ (or fill-in-the-blank), and that's okay too." "And that's okay too" was a big thing for him. If he had some cheesy keychain or mug or visor (which I like to imagine he did, 'cause he was so endearingly unfashionable that way), I bet it would have said "And that's okay too" on it.
Mr. Rogers was a pretty Zenny guy. Which is weird 'cause he was a Christian minister. (Side note: This guy's making a documentary about Mr. Rogers. Yay!)
Question: Who is the most interesting random person you've met (or seen) in the last... I dunno... week?
Big Event of the Day (tomorrow): Oh crap. Forgot to make plans.
Percent Chance: of being pudly and doing nothing (often more enjoyable on a Friday, honestly, than making the effort to go out after a long work week): 84%
Anyway. But I just feel sort of quiet today. Like if everything is settled down inside in a nice comfortable position, why stir it up with words?
Mr. Rogers would back me up on this. Sounds like something he would say: "Sometimes you just feel like being _quiet_ (or fill-in-the-blank), and that's okay too." "And that's okay too" was a big thing for him. If he had some cheesy keychain or mug or visor (which I like to imagine he did, 'cause he was so endearingly unfashionable that way), I bet it would have said "And that's okay too" on it.
Mr. Rogers was a pretty Zenny guy. Which is weird 'cause he was a Christian minister. (Side note: This guy's making a documentary about Mr. Rogers. Yay!)
Question: Who is the most interesting random person you've met (or seen) in the last... I dunno... week?
Big Event of the Day (tomorrow): Oh crap. Forgot to make plans.
Percent Chance: of being pudly and doing nothing (often more enjoyable on a Friday, honestly, than making the effort to go out after a long work week): 84%
Mr. Rogers would have been an interesting person to meet. Here is an interesting story that I just learned abou him on Wikipedia:
His car was stolen once; an old second hand Impala. The story of the theft was picked up by the news. 48 hours later, the car was returned to were he left it with the note, "if we knew it was yours, we never would have taken it".
I have not met a single interesting new person in the past week. Alhough I have an eventfull packed weekend planned, (including a trip to the Goodman theater to see King Lear and a White Sox game), so I reserve the right to post an additional comment in the event that I meet an interesting person.
Anonymous, at 9/22/2006 03:03:00 PM
There is this guy who fakes a mental/physical handicap to get money. He is a pretty good actor and usually spends his time begging in one of the intersections near my class in the center. One day about a month ago, I saw him NOT in the center, but riding on my bus near my office. Jumping, laughing, chatting with his friends, etc. NO signs of physical or mental problems. I didn't say anything to him then... but made a mental note. About a week ago, he came up begigng to my window as I was stopped at the stoplight. He stood there with his hands twisted in the usual hitting-your-chest, I-have-a-handicap way and I just told him, "I've seen you. You don't have any problems." and he just looked at me and moved on to the next car. Then, the day before yesterday, I saw him again. Same thing. He came up hobbling to my car window to ask for money and this time I said,"I know you." and he said, "What do you mean you know me?" (he dropped his arms at this point) I told him, "I saw you get on my bus one time and you don't have any sort of physical or mental problem. And it makes me really sad that you have to trick people into giving you money and you can't earn money honestly." and he said,"I have to feed my kids." and I said, "Yes, I understand that, but why can't you do something else? wash windows? sell hamburgers? anything that is not tricking people." He started to tell me how he had written a book, but was waiting for the publisher to finalize it, or something like that. Then the light turned green and I went on my way. I wonder if I will see him again. It makes me sad, skeptical and angry all at the same time. He must be "earning" more money begging than he would working at KFC (they are always hiring here). Interesting... anyway. that is my story.
Anonymous, at 9/22/2006 07:48:00 PM
Wow, I want to hear more about the beggar guy. That's a very good story. Dad said he used to pass the same lady who would pretend that her car broke down and she needed money for a tow truck. She would be parked at the same intersection every day. You'd think they'd move around a bit...
I met a LOT of interesting people this weekend. I was at a wedding in Minnesota (MinnesOOOta). Man, they talk funny. And I found myself doing it too. Yah, don't ya knoooow. Yoooou betcha. It's really kind of fun, you should try it.
Ok, back to work.
Anonymous, at 9/25/2006 01:47:00 PM
Hello to Becky. Can I humbly request some more blogginess? Pleasing to thank you,
Your Fans
Anonymous, at 10/02/2006 08:43:00 PM
Yes, please entertain us with more blogging.
(I relize that I am a hyprocrite for being too lazy to blog, and then bugging you to do so. So no need to point it out.)
Anonymous, at 10/04/2006 10:51:00 AM
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