Cheap Thrills
Hi hi. I wholeheartedly agree with you. There should be a new Beckyland entry up here! What does this Becky expect us to do, all alone with nothing fun to read? Jeez.
I am really trying to go to bed early tonight so as to avoid the nodding off at the desk tomorrow. I will write for 4 minutes--that is how long it takes until Will and Grace is over. Enough time for one story. More of a storylet, really.
I went to a bachelorette party on Saturday. Wooooooow did I find out it's a bad idea to run off alone and do shots just because you're tired of your hands being cold holding a drink and your stomach being full of liquid. P.S., also: drinking while in a bad mood will not improve the situation. At least not for me anyway. Many apologies to Christy and Kate who had to listen to me cry and bemoan the state of the world and all the mean people in it for the last hour of the night. Wooops. It's okay now. I'm over it. Think I even learned a lesson about mean vs. nice and how I should think of things as more of a gray area.
Time for bed!
Question: What's your favorite breakfast food? I made eggs benedict and hash browns tonight for dinner. Yum. And, of course, on the side, vegetables, which happen to go very nicely with Hollandaise sauce (it is just butter sauce, after all).
Big Event of the Day (tomorrow): Take my winter coat to get fixed (BLAAAAAH)
Percent Chance: 39.4% (It requires I get home before 6:45 so I can get to the dry cleaners before it closes)
I am really trying to go to bed early tonight so as to avoid the nodding off at the desk tomorrow. I will write for 4 minutes--that is how long it takes until Will and Grace is over. Enough time for one story. More of a storylet, really.
I went to a bachelorette party on Saturday. Wooooooow did I find out it's a bad idea to run off alone and do shots just because you're tired of your hands being cold holding a drink and your stomach being full of liquid. P.S., also: drinking while in a bad mood will not improve the situation. At least not for me anyway. Many apologies to Christy and Kate who had to listen to me cry and bemoan the state of the world and all the mean people in it for the last hour of the night. Wooops. It's okay now. I'm over it. Think I even learned a lesson about mean vs. nice and how I should think of things as more of a gray area.
Time for bed!
Question: What's your favorite breakfast food? I made eggs benedict and hash browns tonight for dinner. Yum. And, of course, on the side, vegetables, which happen to go very nicely with Hollandaise sauce (it is just butter sauce, after all).
Big Event of the Day (tomorrow): Take my winter coat to get fixed (BLAAAAAH)
Percent Chance: 39.4% (It requires I get home before 6:45 so I can get to the dry cleaners before it closes)
Yay, hooray, more Beckyland!!! But sorry to hear about your drunken upsettedness. I hate when that happens. I once drank after taking advil (who knew they didn't mix well...) and burst out crying in the middle of a party. I was wailing and asking people why they don't love me. Now THAT is sad.
My favorite breakfast food is hash browns a la DeForest. But I also like cereal and a cup of tea. Ooh, and toast with jelly. And crepes. Really anything. My boyfriend is strange. He doesn't like any breakfast foods. He'd rather eat cold Chinese food leftovers. Weirdo.
Anonymous, at 10/10/2006 08:54:00 PM
I have a new profound respect for Jon. My FAVORITE food is cold chinese food. specifically cold sesame chicken from Beijing. yum. miss it :(
Anonymous, at 10/11/2006 12:36:00 AM
Sweet. I was thinking that Beckyland, Inc. may have gone out of business.
Pancakes, with butter and maple syrup. I'm a simple guy, what can I say.
Anonymous, at 10/11/2006 08:12:00 AM
Yeah, I always try to avoid drinking if I feel crummy about something or other. What were you drinking? I sometimes find myself wondering if certain kinds of alcohol make us more prone to emotional outbursts. For example, at the same level of drunkenness, would vodka be more likely to cause someone to cry than say, beer or whiskey?
My favorite breakfast is a mushroom and monterrey jack omelette with an english muffin, a side of pancetta, and a glass of orange juice. Yummy.
gophilipgo, at 10/12/2006 04:18:00 PM
I want to know if you made hollandaise sauce to go with your eggs benedict. Then I would be really impressed :)
My favorite breakfast food, other than cereal, is french toast on sourdough bread with maple syrup.
Anonymous, at 10/14/2006 10:32:00 PM
But of course there was hollandaise sauce! Otherwise it's just a dry egg with Canadian bacon on an English muffin. (Wow, I just realized there are like 3 countries in eggs Benedict. Not to mention some guy named Benedict.)
Becky, at 10/14/2006 11:37:00 PM
Becky. Good one.
I've always wondered who Eggs Benedict was named after. I always assumed that it was named after Benedict Arnold, the British Spy. But that always seemed strange to me; to name a breakfast dish after someone who spied against America. What's next? Ethal and Julius Rosenberg French Toast.
I did some research, and was relieved to learn that Eggs Benedict was not named after the British spy; but rather it was probably named after some New Yorker named LeGrand Benedict. Mr. Benedict and his family were dining at Delmonico's resturant in New York, when a member of his family complained that there was nothing new on the menu. In response, the chef at the resturant created Eggs Benedict. So now you know.
Sorry about commenting twice on one post. This information seemed much too important to keep to myself.
Anonymous, at 10/15/2006 11:16:00 AM
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