Beckyland, Inc.

Easing boredom since 2005
Adventures, thoughts, and useless trivia
Time to play!
Being a grown-up is fun after all.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Blowin' in the Wind

I think the train conductor paraphernalia catalog got a new line of punchers in. Today I got a little pac-man ghost guy. Very cute.

I'm glad I'm not allergic to dairy. Today for lunch I had pizza, then for dinner I had pizza, and then for a late night snack I had nachos. Ug. I feel sick, but at least I probably won't actually be sick.

My sisters come in tomorrow--both of them. All of us, living in the same house again, until next Thursday. It might get interesting.

Oh, I forgot to tell you! This morning, as I came out of the train station downtown, I saw a bunch of papers blowing around on the sidewalk and about 10 people chasing them down and grabbing them. Turns out this lady had dropped a pile of about 100 important papers. As people came upon this scene, more and more of them started darting around, snatching up papers with, I must say, childlike enthusiasm for a Thursday morning. At one point, there were at least 20 of us. We were like kids diving on candy from a piñata, or running out into the street to grab the candy the people in the 4th of July parade throw. Gave us a sense of purpose. It was actually fun. (Definitely more fun than picking up tennis balls in gym. That's only fun if you have the neat wire basket the gym teacher has, the one that sucks up the balls from the bottom. You know that basket?) So anyway, it was a community moment, us helping this lady. We felt so good-deedly. In conclusion, the moral of the story is, if you're going to drop all your papers outside when it's windy, do it in a really busy area so there's enough people to grab them all before they blow away. I don't think she lost a single paper. I don't care how you look at it--that's impressive work, my friends. Yay us.


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