Beckyland, Inc.

Easing boredom since 2005
Adventures, thoughts, and useless trivia
Time to play!
Being a grown-up is fun after all.

Monday, December 19, 2005

Chiggidy Briggidy Cold

I don't know what "chiggidy briggidy" means, but I heard it once in a movie or something and it made me giggle. Also the "Airing of Grievances" from Seinfeld.

Yes, very very cold today. 1 degree, all by itself. I went and looked at apartments. I was THAT desparate to get out of Glen Ellyn, I went out in the 1 degree. Although, to be fair, by evening, it was around 10 degrees. But still.

I saw two places, and one of them was pretty cool, I guess. But small. Are all 1-bedrooms in the city this small? It's very depressing to own (or not even really own) a teeny tiny portion of this huge building. It makes you feel very insignificant. Like an ant spending every day carrying little soil bits or whatever ants carry, while all the humans above are ignorant of everything they accomplished because it didn't affect them directly. Or something.

I'm hoping to get out and look at a few more places this week, but it's annoying to have to go after work.

I'd like to start tallying stuff every day. So my tally for today is:

Annoying people I met today (not counting my dad): 0 (yes!)
Nice people I met today (more nice than usual, I mean): 3 (all the apartment people)
Other people I met today (neither nice nor mean, or too soon to tell): 12 (work Christmas party--yes, this was party #3)

Nice people won today. Excellent. Go team!


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