Beckyland, Inc.

Easing boredom since 2005
Adventures, thoughts, and useless trivia
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Being a grown-up is fun after all.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Happiness, Anger, and Disappointment

The only good thing about a 10-ride train ticket as opposed to the monthly pass (which is cheaper but that I didn't buy for December because I thought I'd be living downtown by now, grr. . .) are the punches. Today on the train the conductor gave me a punch I hadn't seen before--a tiny barbell. I enjoy those little punches. It's like getting a sticker every day.

Also, walking across the river earlier tonight, two guys coming the other way were horsing around, pretending to throw each other over the side. I think they were drunk. Their friends were lagging behind and didn't really see what they were doing until one of the guys was pressed up against the side of the bridge and the other one was lifting his legs to try to dump him over. And his friends are like, "Come on, guys, stop horsing around," and I'm thinking, you should be a little more pissed at your friends if this is what they're doing. Now maybe it's just me--I never appreciated a good "pretend to push you off the edge" prank. Because what if you mess up and really do push them over the edge? Do they know that water's like 34 degrees? That between the fall, the hypothermia, and the fact that we'd have to wait for help to arrive (unless one of us dived in after the drunk asses, and I didn't want to have to do that), that there was a good chance they'd kill themselves? I got pissed at these guys, and even though I never really talk to anybody on the street, when one of them bumped into me as I passed and gave me a confused "Where did you come from?" look (being drunk and unawares as he was), I just said to him, "Are you guys serious?" I think he thought I was concerned they were seriously having a fight. No, I was asking if they were seriously that stupid and reckless. I'm sorry. That (beware: upcoming swearwords indicate Becky is very angry) that shit is just fucking not funny.

I saw another apartment today. Really nice kitchen, but the bedroom is super duper small. Like open the door, trip and fall on your bed small. It came with 2 girl roommates, who were cool, but I would have to really love the apartment and click with the potential roommates to share a place again. I feel like I've paid my dues and I should be allowed to be done with roommates. Then other times I worry if I start living alone, I'll forget how to live with others and I'll end up all alone. . . forever. . . . Hey, morbid much? God.


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