Things That Annoy Me
As you know (or do now), I like lists. They are cute, in their own way. Sort of smug, but musical. I submit for your approval things that make me annoyed.
1. Unnecessary e's in business or product names. For example, more and more restaurants are calling themselves “bar and grille” with an e. This, apparently, is to separate them from a low-brow “grill,” where you can never expect better than hamburgers and fries. But for the discerning consumer who prefers jalapeño poppers and extreme fajitas, head on over to the Bar and Grille. I’m convinced they would put an e after "bar," too, if they could, except that “barre” is the bar ballet dancers hold onto at practice, and I’m guessing that’s not the image they want. Only slightly less annoying is "shoppe" with an e, frequently seen in high-end suburban strip malls with names like “The Shoppes on the Glen” or “The Canterbury Shoppes.” I encourage you, if you find yourself in front of a restaurant or business which is in clear violation of normal e usage, to boycott that establishment.
2. The embroidered short sleeved knit polo shirts that middle managers wear. Any time I’ve worked in retail or any type of hourly wage job, my managers have had these shirts. Sometimes they have little checkered designs on them, or stripes on the collars, and other times they’re just solid color. But they always have the annoying company logo sewn ever so tastefully and smugly over the left breast, as if to say, “Look at me, I don’t even really like this company but I am wearing this corporate catalog special to subtly assert my authority even while being remarkably unaware of how dumpy it makes me look.” Even if I see a guy wearing one on the street and I don’t even know him—the embroidered polo/khaki pants combination puts me in a bad mood, on everyone else’s behalf.
3. Advertisements that take trivial things and make them seem like life and death. Remember when the disposable toilet-cleaning brushes came out? They showed a normal toilet brush in extreme close-up with scary Star Wars-type music playing, and then showed all the things you must have to do to get it clean again, like power-washing it with a hose in the yard. Hello! Put some bleach on it! It's not like you have to eat off it! Germ-phobia is big business. There's another one for Lysol wipes or something, with similar scary music behind kids playing outside, blowing their nose, etc., and then touching things in the house. Why don't you be scared of something that will actually kill you? Like the bird flu. . .
4. Relating to this, advertisements that make it seem like you can be a wonderful, serene, perfect Zen-type person if you only buy their product. For example, Dove chocolate recently came out with ice cream bars. Have you seen the commercials for these? This woman eating the chocolate bar, savoring it blissfully, moaning in pleasure while swirls of red and brown silk flutter in the background. I always feel kind of gross when I watch that commercial. Note to advertising execs: don’t make your potential customers feel gross. She’s not even that good looking, not for a “chocolate equals sex” commercial. Although maybe guys find the woman pretty. Also consider the Uncle Ben’s rice commercial, where this frazzled woman comes home, obviously unable to handle the stress of balancing work and home life; she heats up her rice bowl, curls up in a big comfy chair, breathes deep, takes a bite of Uncle Ben’s, and suddenly all is right with the world. All it took was some rice! And lest you may think this is a gimmick used only for women, let me tell you about an SUV commerical (I can't remember which one it was for). It shows a young virile man (of course) kissing his (of course) beautiful, put-together, indulgent and 50’s-era providing wife goodbye and stepping out of his perfect white picket-fence house. “Off to work; see you tonight!” He whips out a helmet, straps it on, rock music starts in the background, and we see him hang glide (or something—I can’t remember) down to the bottom of a canyon (We now see the house was at the top of a cliff) where his car is. Yes, this SUV promises men freedom, adventure, and a tucked-away, warm, safe place to come home to. I’m saying. You can have it all if you buy this product. It annoys me, yes, but it works. So I guess I’m helpless to stop it.
5. This is more of a personal story: how when it's really cold out and people are getting on the bus, they go in and sit right down in the front instead of going to the back. This means that the rest of the people who aren't on the bus yet have to stay out in the cold waiting for people to sit down and get out of the way. If everyone just made a little effort and filled the back seats first, everyone could be warmer faster. Why can't people just realize this? Don't they put 2 and 2 together when they're at the back of the line and have to wait? People when they're on their way to work are more self-involved than I think they are normally. Not as nice. I'm working on a theory why.
6. Finally, the dried-up lotion goobers that get stuck on the end of lotion-bottle pumps. They grow and grow like slimy stalagtites until finally, one day, they fall off in your hand and you have to throw them away like real-life boogers. Or, less gross in the short term but possibly more annoying is when, because the pump is clogged, the lotion shoots out super-far and gets all over your clothes, or your dresser, or whatever. You have to take time out of your already-rushed morning to clean it up, especially if it gets on your clothes (it leaves a suspicious-looking stain) . We have engineers making robotic vacuums--we can't fix this? Priorities, priorities.
1. Unnecessary e's in business or product names. For example, more and more restaurants are calling themselves “bar and grille” with an e. This, apparently, is to separate them from a low-brow “grill,” where you can never expect better than hamburgers and fries. But for the discerning consumer who prefers jalapeño poppers and extreme fajitas, head on over to the Bar and Grille. I’m convinced they would put an e after "bar," too, if they could, except that “barre” is the bar ballet dancers hold onto at practice, and I’m guessing that’s not the image they want. Only slightly less annoying is "shoppe" with an e, frequently seen in high-end suburban strip malls with names like “The Shoppes on the Glen” or “The Canterbury Shoppes.” I encourage you, if you find yourself in front of a restaurant or business which is in clear violation of normal e usage, to boycott that establishment.
2. The embroidered short sleeved knit polo shirts that middle managers wear. Any time I’ve worked in retail or any type of hourly wage job, my managers have had these shirts. Sometimes they have little checkered designs on them, or stripes on the collars, and other times they’re just solid color. But they always have the annoying company logo sewn ever so tastefully and smugly over the left breast, as if to say, “Look at me, I don’t even really like this company but I am wearing this corporate catalog special to subtly assert my authority even while being remarkably unaware of how dumpy it makes me look.” Even if I see a guy wearing one on the street and I don’t even know him—the embroidered polo/khaki pants combination puts me in a bad mood, on everyone else’s behalf.
3. Advertisements that take trivial things and make them seem like life and death. Remember when the disposable toilet-cleaning brushes came out? They showed a normal toilet brush in extreme close-up with scary Star Wars-type music playing, and then showed all the things you must have to do to get it clean again, like power-washing it with a hose in the yard. Hello! Put some bleach on it! It's not like you have to eat off it! Germ-phobia is big business. There's another one for Lysol wipes or something, with similar scary music behind kids playing outside, blowing their nose, etc., and then touching things in the house. Why don't you be scared of something that will actually kill you? Like the bird flu. . .
4. Relating to this, advertisements that make it seem like you can be a wonderful, serene, perfect Zen-type person if you only buy their product. For example, Dove chocolate recently came out with ice cream bars. Have you seen the commercials for these? This woman eating the chocolate bar, savoring it blissfully, moaning in pleasure while swirls of red and brown silk flutter in the background. I always feel kind of gross when I watch that commercial. Note to advertising execs: don’t make your potential customers feel gross. She’s not even that good looking, not for a “chocolate equals sex” commercial. Although maybe guys find the woman pretty. Also consider the Uncle Ben’s rice commercial, where this frazzled woman comes home, obviously unable to handle the stress of balancing work and home life; she heats up her rice bowl, curls up in a big comfy chair, breathes deep, takes a bite of Uncle Ben’s, and suddenly all is right with the world. All it took was some rice! And lest you may think this is a gimmick used only for women, let me tell you about an SUV commerical (I can't remember which one it was for). It shows a young virile man (of course) kissing his (of course) beautiful, put-together, indulgent and 50’s-era providing wife goodbye and stepping out of his perfect white picket-fence house. “Off to work; see you tonight!” He whips out a helmet, straps it on, rock music starts in the background, and we see him hang glide (or something—I can’t remember) down to the bottom of a canyon (We now see the house was at the top of a cliff) where his car is. Yes, this SUV promises men freedom, adventure, and a tucked-away, warm, safe place to come home to. I’m saying. You can have it all if you buy this product. It annoys me, yes, but it works. So I guess I’m helpless to stop it.
5. This is more of a personal story: how when it's really cold out and people are getting on the bus, they go in and sit right down in the front instead of going to the back. This means that the rest of the people who aren't on the bus yet have to stay out in the cold waiting for people to sit down and get out of the way. If everyone just made a little effort and filled the back seats first, everyone could be warmer faster. Why can't people just realize this? Don't they put 2 and 2 together when they're at the back of the line and have to wait? People when they're on their way to work are more self-involved than I think they are normally. Not as nice. I'm working on a theory why.
6. Finally, the dried-up lotion goobers that get stuck on the end of lotion-bottle pumps. They grow and grow like slimy stalagtites until finally, one day, they fall off in your hand and you have to throw them away like real-life boogers. Or, less gross in the short term but possibly more annoying is when, because the pump is clogged, the lotion shoots out super-far and gets all over your clothes, or your dresser, or whatever. You have to take time out of your already-rushed morning to clean it up, especially if it gets on your clothes (it leaves a suspicious-looking stain) . We have engineers making robotic vacuums--we can't fix this? Priorities, priorities.
i like how all car commercials depict a sense of common practicality. how many car commercials have you seen that involves driving a luxury sedan across a barren desert? How many times do we have to witness an SUV plow through endangered vegetation in the middle of the rainforest? Or my favorite: cruising on big frozen pond in your new Lexus. That just makes me think of how many cars get stuck in the middle of the Anytown USA whenever a few inches of snow fall on the ground. wheels spinning, kicking up more snow, and the driver of the aforementioned SUV reminds me of a frustrated hamster, stuck in an eternally spinning wheel. nothing against SUV's, just the follies of modern advertising.
Anonymous, at 1/23/2006 11:35:00 PM
by the way it's stalagTite...
Anonymous, at 1/23/2006 11:37:00 PM
Oh yeah, I forgot about the plowing across the frozen pond one. I thought there were two, stalagtite and stalagmite?
Becky, at 1/24/2006 09:07:00 AM
You have outdone yourself. If you ever have a Hall of Fame for Beckysville, your "what annoys me" needs to go in it. Here is my (partial)list:
1. Guys who talk trash about sports. Like when a guy says something like "did you see the Notre Dame - Ohio State football game? We kicked your ass." Usually these guys are overweight, bald, and middle aged. I always want to say, "what do you mean with this WE stuff? You had nothing to do with the game. You probably couldn't walk up a flight of stairs without having chest pains."
2. I hate when cars have stupid names after them like "limited edition" or "extreme sport". What does limited edition mean? It's not as if you are buying a rare bottle of wine.
3. I hate when you are behind someone on the road, and they suddenly stop and turn on their left turn signal after they have already stopped. At this point, you have no time to go around them because of the traffic.
4. I hate when you are on the bus or the el, and you glance around at the other people, and while you are doing this someone looks up suddelnly and stares directly at you. You are really embarrased when your eyes meet and you look down all of a sudden. You want to say, "NO, I wasn't starting at you! I was just looking around."
5. I hate those colored rubber bracelets everyone wears. I know, I know, some of them are for cancer awareness. But not all of them. I heard that Miller Lite sells ones that are yellow and just say "miller lite" on them. Plus, even the ones for cancer, do you really think that the 16 year old blond behind the counter at Walgreens who is covered in body glitter cares about lance armstrong's battle with prostate cancer.
6. I hate when snow on the side of the road gets grey or black.
7. I hate when I meet someone, and they ask if I am married, and I say no, and there is a slight pause and I know exactly what they are thinking, "I wonder if this guy is gay? He is over 30 and not married. Hmmm." Then I always feels obligated to prove my heterosexuality, by making a comment like, "did you see the latest Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue? pretty hot?"
8. I hate when you buy a piece of fruit, say a cantalope or something, and you get home, cut it up, and its bad. You are helpless. I think that you should be able to return bad fruit, like you would a TV or something.
9. I hate how in the Introduction section of books, the author spends 4 pages thanking everyone who helped or inspired him with the book, from his graduate assistant at Witchita State University to his grandma Mildred who read him stories as a kid. Who cares? Get to the story.
Sorry, had to get these off my chest. Feeling much better now.
Anonymous, at 1/24/2006 05:22:00 PM
Here are some things that annoy me.
1. When you use spaces between the dots in your little dot-dot-dot at the end of a sentence. Because then the sentence wraps around and you end up with random dots at the beginning of the next line. Just throws me all off.
2. How when a girl gets engaged she tells everyone else who is dating someone that they should get married too. It's like they're looking for reassurance that it's ok to get married. Every single person who is engaged (and there are like 10 here in my office) has said to me "So, when are you and Jon getting married?" and it bugs me. What does me getting married have to do with your wedding?
3. Dust. No matter what you do, it just keeps coming back. Nothing peeves me like dust.
4. I got a wrong number call last night at 5:10 am. I mean, if you're calling someone at 5:10 am, YOU BETTER BE DAMN SURE YOU'RE CALLING THE RIGHT PERSON!
5. People who get your and you're mixed up. And who use 's to make a plural. Like "there are lots of word's in this sentence. Your reading it right now." Dang, people.
6. Me. Man, I'm in a really foul mood right now. I think I'm going to stop writing before I throw myself off a tall building for being so annoying. Because that's what I do to annoying people.
Anonymous, at 1/25/2006 05:39:00 PM
I am afraid that your large following of readers will think that I am a negative person from my "what annoys me" comments. So I thought I'd balance it out with some random things that I love:
1. I love drining water out of a garden hose. It just tastes better. I can't explain why. If they sold bottled garden hose water, I'd buy it.
2. I love being the best man at a wedding. You get to sit up front at the important people table. Plus your duties are limited: handing over the ring on cue (pretty easy) and giving some cornball speach at the reception on how beutiful the bride looks and how lucky your buddy is to end up with her.
3. I love when people bring food to work and leave it out as free food. I'm always like, "I wasn't planning on eating a large piece of rum cake at 8:15 in the morning, but why not?'
4. You know how your car has that scary light on the dashboard that says "service engine soon." There is a red picture of your engine with a big X through it and mabye a picture of flames coming out of the engine. When this goes on, you start thinking about how much it will cost to have it looked at. I love it when for some magical reason this light turns off by itself.
5. Last week I was in the library, and my cell phone rang. I was right in front of the circulation desk lady. A friend was calling to tell me that his son had just been born. Most librarians are mean, and I expected for this woman to handcuff me and take me to some sort of dark library prison cell in the basement as punishment. But she heard me say, "congratulations on the birth of your son", and she just smiled at me and nodded.
Ok, I just had to even things out. From now on, if I ever have this much to say, I promise to get my own blog.
Anonymous, at 1/26/2006 10:36:00 PM
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