Potties and Comic Book Characters
I have some comments about public bathrooms. Interesting how they function as meeting places, especially for women. Now when you go out, it kind of makes sense. It's quieter in the bathroom, and the boys aren't there, so you can talk about them. But at work, it's even weirder. Here are these people that you're trying to impress, so much that you're ironing shirts and wearing uncomfortable shoes for them, and yet you talk to each other through the stall doors while peeing. Doesn't this seem at all strange to anyone?
Yesterday, while talking to one of my bosses (Yeah, I'm saying. . . weird) from a few stalls over, I thought someone came into the stall next to me, because I saw a shadow. Upon further inspection, I found out it wasn't from a person; it was the shadow of the toilet. But no, wait--it wasn't a shadow at all: it was a reflection. Yes, apparently the black tiled bathroom floor is so shiny you can see reflections in it. Which means if someone really tried, they could see. . . well, things you're hoping your coworkers aren't looking at.
Onward. So I was walking to Christy and John's yesterday and noticed how many of the buildings have holes near the top, or ledges, decorations, etc. Spiderman would have an easy time--lots of places to grip. And speaking of, wouldn't whatever city Spiderman is supposed to be from--wouldn't the owners of buildings in that town have to be constantly cleaning giant cobwebs from the tops of their buildings? Because you never see Spiderman suck the webbing back up, so he must leave it behind.
I won $5 at poker. Not great, but it's something. Also saw part of "Kill Bill Vol. 2," and may I say, about the grossest scene I have ever seen: when she plucks Daryll Hannah's eye out. And then after, she squishes it on the floor. Ugh. I repeat, ugggghhh. I had to watch a full hour of "13 Going on 30" and "LOTR: Return of the King" (flip-flopping back and forth) to clear the nastiness out of my system. Speaking of "Return of the King", so good. And may I say a prime example of a movie about man-love. I think they (he, I guess) made the hobbits show the man-love because humans can't get away with it. I could discuss this movie for hours. But the books are boring. Too bad.
I have a meeting soon, but I wanted to get something up.
Yesterday, while talking to one of my bosses (Yeah, I'm saying. . . weird) from a few stalls over, I thought someone came into the stall next to me, because I saw a shadow. Upon further inspection, I found out it wasn't from a person; it was the shadow of the toilet. But no, wait--it wasn't a shadow at all: it was a reflection. Yes, apparently the black tiled bathroom floor is so shiny you can see reflections in it. Which means if someone really tried, they could see. . . well, things you're hoping your coworkers aren't looking at.
Onward. So I was walking to Christy and John's yesterday and noticed how many of the buildings have holes near the top, or ledges, decorations, etc. Spiderman would have an easy time--lots of places to grip. And speaking of, wouldn't whatever city Spiderman is supposed to be from--wouldn't the owners of buildings in that town have to be constantly cleaning giant cobwebs from the tops of their buildings? Because you never see Spiderman suck the webbing back up, so he must leave it behind.
I won $5 at poker. Not great, but it's something. Also saw part of "Kill Bill Vol. 2," and may I say, about the grossest scene I have ever seen: when she plucks Daryll Hannah's eye out. And then after, she squishes it on the floor. Ugh. I repeat, ugggghhh. I had to watch a full hour of "13 Going on 30" and "LOTR: Return of the King" (flip-flopping back and forth) to clear the nastiness out of my system. Speaking of "Return of the King", so good. And may I say a prime example of a movie about man-love. I think they (he, I guess) made the hobbits show the man-love because humans can't get away with it. I could discuss this movie for hours. But the books are boring. Too bad.
I have a meeting soon, but I wanted to get something up.
I was just talking to someone about man love! It's a beautiful thing, and I wish guys weren't so uptight about showing it. Yes, Men, we all know about your girlfriend/wife/three kids/beer drinking/compulsion to play violent video games. It's ok to hug another man. It doesn't make you gay. Get over yourselves.
Anonymous, at 1/26/2006 07:49:00 PM
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