Beckyland, Inc.

Easing boredom since 2005
Adventures, thoughts, and useless trivia
Time to play!
Being a grown-up is fun after all.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

"To Do" List

On days when I'm feeling disorganized at work, I make a pretty little list of all the things I need to do that day. I break out a nice big Sharpie marker (I love Sharpie markers) and a perky blue pad of Super Post-Its (Love wasting Post-Its), and I mark out each item to do in carefully rounded letters with a check box next to each one. (Check boxes are much better than crossing off things. Much prettier.) Today I only had a few things on the list, and most of them were, shall we say, optional. So after writing those down, I added another item: Sit around and be sad. I figured, if nothing else, I'd get at least one thing done for sure today. Yes, it is a bad day in Beckyland. I figure if I let you know up front, it'll explain why I couldn't come up with any amusing/entertaining thoughts.

Funny, looking at that little "to do" item later, all alone at the top of the page with the check box next to it, it kind of amused me. All the "woe is me," wallowing in self-pity I can conjure fits into one little check box on the list, amidst the papers to copy and phone calls to make. Something to squeeze in when I've got the time. Very efficient, in a way.

Time to look at more apartments.


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