Excuses, Excuses
Hi everybody! I have been told I need to put something up here because it's a disgrace to leave my blog in such a sorry state.
I used to have such interesting* things to say, but I guess I'm plum (plumb?) out. I need to recharge.
*or possibly tedious, depending...
I'm moving into my own apartment (hallelujah) in two weeks, and my optimistic side says I'll be a regular blogger again when that happens. Also I'll have a kitchen island for cooking (pending a trip to IKEA), a dance area so I can be a superstar (hope the downstairs neighbors sleep soundly), a computer desk for all the aforementioned blogging, and possibly another TV, semi-big screen (just throwin' away all the money I saved living at home, aren't I?).
In the meantime, sorry for the lack of Beckyness. We apologize. Or as they say at Marshall Field's, "Please pardon our appearance. We are working hard to improve your [blogging] experience."
I used to have such interesting* things to say, but I guess I'm plum (plumb?) out. I need to recharge.
*or possibly tedious, depending...
I'm moving into my own apartment (hallelujah) in two weeks, and my optimistic side says I'll be a regular blogger again when that happens. Also I'll have a kitchen island for cooking (pending a trip to IKEA), a dance area so I can be a superstar (hope the downstairs neighbors sleep soundly), a computer desk for all the aforementioned blogging, and possibly another TV, semi-big screen (just throwin' away all the money I saved living at home, aren't I?).
In the meantime, sorry for the lack of Beckyness. We apologize. Or as they say at Marshall Field's, "Please pardon our appearance. We are working hard to improve your [blogging] experience."
Hello Becky, I have missed the Beckyland Updates. I am at work and I am bored and I was so happy to see you had something up, even if it is really nothing. Good luck on your superstardom. Buy some nice dance shoes.
Anonymous, at 2/27/2006 03:02:00 PM
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